Post Retirement Benefits

FULL TIME retired faculty, professional staff, administrators and staff are provided certain post-retirement privileges and benefits.

Parking: Fee-based parking in designated university parking areas.

Term Life Insurance: By action of the University of Akron Board of Trustees on December 9, 2020, this benefit for University of Akron retirees was eliminated on December 31, 2020.

Health insurance coverage (excluding dental insurance) for dependents of retirees: By action of the University of Akron Board of Trustees on October 14, 2020, this benefit for non-bargaining unit retirees was eliminated on December 31, 2020. A similar action by the University of Akron Board of Trustees on December 9, 2020, eliminated this benefit for bargaining unit faculty, effective January 31, 2021.

University of Akron Identification card: Retired faculty may obtain University of Akron identification cards (Zip card) Contact the Zip card office for further information. If the Zip Card Office does not have information relating to your retirees status contact the Alumni office.

Fee reduction for retirees and dependents: Following is a summary of fee reductions for retirees and their dependents. For specific information regarding fee reductions for retirees and their dependents see University rule 3359-20-04.3

Retirees are permitted to take two for credit courses per semester free of all charges except for late fees.

Fee reduction for retirees-noncredit courses- Retirees may receive fee remissions for two non-credit courses on a space available basis. At the present time there are very few non-credit courses that are not aimed at specific businesses skills. Contact UA Business Solutions, formerly known as Workforce Development and Continuing Education

Fee Reduction for spouses and unmarried dependent children: The spouses and dependents of retirees will receive fee remissions for tuition (instructional fees).

Dependents and spouses of retirees will be charged all other fees

Fee remission for graduate courses for spouses and dependents may be subject to Income Taxes.

Dependency status is subject to audit by the University of Akron

A retiree may only qualify for tuition remission under one category. An eligible retiree may qualify as a retiree or as a retiree dependent, but not as both.

Athletic and cultural events: Retirees may be granted reduction in admission prices to University athletic events and special rates for certain cultural events. Retirees should ask if reductions are available when booking tickets.

From time to time the University may offer discounts to other University Events.

The Digest: The Digest is a compilation of announcements sent to faculty, staff and professional staff. The Digest contains announcements of events of interest on campus. Occasionally discounts to campus events are announced in the Digest. There are also many free events on campus that are announced in the Digest. Retirees can be added to the Digest as a guest. To be put on the guest list of recipients of the digest send an email message to Type Digest Subscription in the subject line and request to be added to the subscription list

Recreational facilities: Including the natatorium, gymnasium and playing fields are open to retired faculty at the same time as to other faculty. Retirees may join the Student Recreation and Wellness Center for an annual fee.

The bookstore: Retired Faculty members may purchase books and other supplies, ordinarily at a discount. The retiree may only purchase books for their own usage. If the bookstore clerks are unaware of this discount, the retiree should ask for the bookstore manager.

Notary public: Notary service is available in the office of general counsel at no cost to retired faculty members. Call prior to asking for this service.

Library: Retired faculty retain full privileges for the use of the library. If a retiree has not used their University library card in a year, they may have to ask for their privileges to be reinstated.

Externally funded grants: Retired faculty may submit externally funded grant/contract proposals through the University. Retired faculty are not eligible for University funded research grants or summer fellowships.

Computer Center: Access to computer center and information services privileges.

IMPORTANT: Keep all University papers and correspondence related to benefits in a safe secure place.

Important University Phone Numbers:

Zip office: 330-972-5637
Parking Office: 330-972-7213
University Alumni Office: 330-972-7270

Next Step: Retiree Permit Guide