UA alumni Chaka and Michael Crome
You could call them the ultimate power couple: Michael Crome is the chief financial officer of the Las Vegas Raiders; Chaka is an attorney and owner of Crome Law Firm. But the spouses, whose paths intersected on The University of Akron campus, are a bit more down to earth. They are humble, generous and committed to giving back to their community.
Michael, a 1999 grad who was a Distinguished Alumni Award recipient in 2003, was also recognized by Vegas, Inc. this year with a C-suite award—an honor for the area’s top-level executives and most accomplished business leaders. As CFO of the Raiders, Crome oversees all financial aspects of Las Vegas’ NFL team, including athlete salaries, stadium sales, merchandise and more.
Chaka, who graduated from Akron Law in 2002, specializes in family, small business and personal injury law. After graduation, she joined Chesnoff & Schonfeld in Las Vegas as an associate attorney. Later, after becoming a partner, she branched out on her own and now owns Crome Law Firm.
Fuel for the Zips
Both Cromes discussed how their experiences at UA shaped them into the people they are today. “I owe a great debt to Akron and the people here,” said Michael, a Columbus, Ohio, native. “I grew up in humble beginnings. I was the first person in my family to attend college, so I didn’t really have a clear understanding of what to major in or how to navigate on campus.”
Because he was eager to make friends, Michael signed up to be a Resident Assistant, a role he kept throughout his time at UA. Working in what were then Brown and Grant halls, Michael developed friendships that he maintains to this day.
But the bigger impact on his current life came while he worked in the Office of Minority Affairs with peer counseling. “That gave me a chance to interact with a lot of different students from a lot of different backgrounds,” Michael recalled. “I think that is where I grew and learned to be a leader, thanks to people like Coleen Curry (’91) who personally mentored me and ran the program.
Another debt of gratitude goes out to Career Services for helping him during his senior year with the practicalities of resume building, interviewing and internships. “I credit the university with building my professional skills as well as the educational component.”
Most importantly, Michael wouldn’t have married Chaka if he hadn’t attended Akron. “I had a friend, David Hitchens (’98 & ’02), who also was a peer counselor and during my last year, we were roommates.” Hitchens was a law student, as was Chaka. After being introduced by him at a party, Michael and Chaka didn’t cross paths again until Hitchens graduated. But those two brief interactions left a lasting impression.
A year later, the couple “just so happened” to reconnect after Chaka had already moved to Las Vegas. For Chaka, it was a move back home. “I was born and raised in this great city and I am proud to still call it home,” she said.
Chaka, like Michael, is a first-generation college graduate. She earned a Bachelor of Arts degree at the University of Nevada, Reno in 1997. While considering which law school to attend, it was the offer of free tuition for her first year that sealed the deal at UA.
“I had never been to Akron until a week before classes began,” Chaka said, “but I loved it. It was the perfect spot for me. The class sizes were small, and Ohio has this hometown feel of hospitality. It didn’t matter that I didn’t know anyone. The community was already waiting for me in Akron.”
Her professors were extremely helpful, she noted: “In a larger setting, I could have gotten lost. I feel like I was properly equipped and can practice law anywhere with my great UA education.”

Michael Crome
Paying it Forward
Now, with successful careers, a beautiful daughter, a shared faith, and a few years of hindsight in the mirror, the Cromes focus on giving back what others bestowed on them.
Chaka makes sure that her clients, who often come to her broken, leave the office with encouragement as well as solid legal help. “Everybody goes through something at some point in their lives,” she shared. “If I can at some section of their lives, help them out, I think that is what I was designed to do.”
She is also involved in the community, serving with Jack and Jill of America, on the board for Goodwill of Southern Nevada, and with her local library foundation. “I joined the board because I feel that the library is the equalizer for everyone. Anyone can walk in and get a book or take a class and grow their passion or skills.”
Michael, meanwhile, uses his love of running to make a difference. In 2019, he completed the World Marathon Challenge, finishing seven full marathons in seven continents over seven days to raise money for Junior Achievement (JA).
Even now, he admitted with a laugh, he’s probably “overly involved” in community outreach, previously serving as the chairman of board of JA in Las Vegas and currently directing their capital campaign. The group’s efforts are on track to raise $30 million to build a JA campus in Las Vegas.
Michael also serves on the board of a national foster care organization named Specialized Alternatives for Families & Youth, through which he gives back using his knowledge of finance.
Even while representing the Las Vegas Raiders, he makes sure community relations are tailored around being active in the Black community: “We need to show up as much as possible. I didn’t have role models growing up. My goal now is to find more ‘Michaels’—kids like me who need direction to help figure out what they are going to do next. They just need a little mentorship.
“One of the big reasons that I volunteer and give back today is because I never know whose life I may impact by simply being present while inspiring young people to dream big,” Michael added.
Chaka chimed in, “We are committed to be positive influences in the community. And it’s a value we learned at The University of Akron.”
by Janet Chismar Hardie '92