Subject Code Transition Search Tool

Enter your search keyword(s), choose a filter, and then click Go. You can filter by old course number (e.g., 3450:221 or just 3450), new course number (ACCT 201 or ACCT), or course title (Medical Terminology or just Medical).

Total results: 6060
# Old Course # New Course # Course Title
681 3100:570 BIOL 570 Lab Animal Regulations
682 3100:571 BIOL 571 Physiological Genetics
683 3100:572 BIOL 572 Biological Mechanisms of Stress
684 3100:573 BIOL 573 Comparative Animal Physiology
685 3100:574 BIOL 574 Comparative Animal Physiology Laboratory
686 3100:575 BIOL 575 Comparative Biomechanics
687 3100:580 BIOL 580 Molecular Biology
688 3100:581 BIOL 581 Advanced Genetics
689 3100:582 BIOL 582 Neurobiology
690 3100:585 BIOL 585 Cell Physiology
691 3100:594 BIOL 594 Workshop in Biology
692 3100:597 BIOL 597 Biological Problems
693 3100:598 BIOL 598 Biological Problems
694 3100:601 BIOL 601 Evolutionary Ecology
695 3100:604 BIOL 604 Topics in Integrative Biology
696 3100:616 BIOL 616 Graduate Evolutionary Biology
697 3100:617 BIOL 617 Graduate Ecology
698 3100:618 BIOL 618 Experimental Approaches in Field Ecology
699 3100:624 BIOL 624 Advanced Aquatic Ecology
700 3100:625 BIOL 625 Basic DNA Techniques