Subject Code Transition Search Tool

Enter your search keyword(s), choose a filter, and then click Go. You can filter by old course number (e.g., 3450:221 or just 3450), new course number (ACCT 201 or ACCT), or course title (Medical Terminology or just Medical).

Total results: 6060
# Old Course # New Course # Course Title
701 3100:626 BIOL 626 Techniques in Molecular Biology
702 3100:628 BIOL 628 Advanced Topics in Behavior
703 3100:651 BIOL 651 Entomology
704 3100:660 BIOL 660 Environmental Physiology
705 3100:663 BIOL 663 Advanced Exercise Physiology
706 3100:665 BIOL 665 Histology, Cell Biology, and Introductory Pathology
707 3100:671 BIOL 671 Developmental Biology
708 3100:673 BIOL 673 Integrative Stress Physiology
709 3100:674 BIOL 674 Integrated Cardiovascular Physiology
710 3100:675 BIOL 675 Integrative Physiological Genomics
711 3100:676 BIOL 676 Integrative Physiology
712 3100:677 BIOL 677 Systems Physiology
713 3100:681 BIOL 681 Cytology
714 3100:683 BIOL 683 Selected Topics: Neurobiology
715 3100:685 BIOL 685 Advanced Cell Physiology
716 3100:688 BIOL 688 Principles of Transmission Electron Microscopy
717 3100:689 BIOL 689 Principles of Scanning Electron Microscopy
718 3100:695 BIOL 695 Special Topics in Biology
719 3100:697 BIOL 697 Biology Colloquium
720 3100:698 BIOL 698 Biology Colloquium