Subject Code Transition Search Tool

Enter your search keyword(s), choose a filter, and then click Go. You can filter by old course number (e.g., 3450:221 or just 3450), new course number (ACCT 201 or ACCT), or course title (Medical Terminology or just Medical).

Total results: 6060
# Old Course # New Course # Course Title
661 3100:529 BIOL 529 Biology of Behavior Laboratory
662 3100:530 BIOL 530 Community/Ecosystem Ecology
663 3100:533 BIOL 533 Pathogenic Bacteriology
664 3100:537 BIOL 537 Immunology
665 3100:539 BIOL 539 Advanced Immunology
666 3100:540 BIOL 540 Mycology
667 3100:543 BIOL 543 Phycology
668 3100:544 BIOL 544 Field Marine Phycology
669 3100:551 BIOL 551 General Entomology
670 3100:553 BIOL 553 Invertebrate Zoology
671 3100:554 BIOL 554 Parasitology
672 3100:555 BIOL 555 Ichthyology
673 3100:556 BIOL 556 Ornithology
674 3100:557 BIOL 557 Herpetology
675 3100:558 BIOL 558 Vertebrate Zoology
676 3100:565 BIOL 565 Advanced Cardiovascular Physiology
677 3100:566 BIOL 566 Vertebrate Embryology
678 3100:567 BIOL 567 Comparative Vertebrate Morpholgy
679 3100:568 BIOL 568 The Physiology of Reproduction
680 3100:569 BIOL 569 Respiratory Physiology