Tutoring Services
Tutoring services provide academic support for specific subjects in both small groups and individualized sessions. Special focus is put on reviewing the tools and providing the support necessary to help you succeed. Tutors are reserved for participants in the Choose Ohio First & Collegiate Success programs. Students not in the Choose Ohio First & Collegiate Success programs can access campus tutoring resources such as those in Bierce Library and the Polsky Building.
What to expect with OARS tutoring
OARS tutoring is supplemental instruction offering more than basic tutoring. Our tutors are prepared to assist you in:
- A wide variety of subjects and disciplines, with an emphasis on math and science courses
- Establishing effective study skills
- Reviewing materials to explore learning styles
- Developing self-confidence in course work and reduce feelings of fear and failure
Available services 
- Computer lab
- One-on-one tutoring
- Group review sessions
- Semester exams
- Midterm and final exams
Tutoring hours
Call us at 330-972-7760 with any questions, for more information or for a tutoring schedule.
Students that are actively part of the Choose Ohio First and Collegiate Success programs have access to the tutoring in our office to bolster their academic skills and standing.
This semester’s available tutoring can be found here.
Choose Ohio First and Collegiate Success Scholars can use the Office of Academic and Retention’s Bookings Page to schedule tutoring sessions. OARS Bookings.
Tutoring runs M-F from 11am-5pm.
Contact OARS
Hours: Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Email: oarsstaff@uakron.edu
Phone: 330-972-7760
Fax: 330-972-5848
OARS Staff
Simmons Hall 301 (map)
277 East Buchtel Ave.
Akron, OH 44325-4000