Dr. Gary L. Miller's cabinet

Cabinet members

Dr. Matthew P. Akers

Dr. Matthew P. Akers
Title: Special Assistant to the President for Government Relations, Associate Director of the Ray C. Bliss Institute of Applied Politics
Dept/Program: Office of the President
Phone: 330-972-4933
Email: akers1@uakron.edu

Kim Cole

Kim Cole
Title: Vice President of Advancement, Executive Director, The University of Akron Foundation
Dept/Program: Department of Development
Phone: 330-972-7608
Email: kimberly@uakron.edu

Tammy Ewin

Tammy Ewin
Title: Vice President, Chief Communication and Marketing Officer
Dept/Program: University Communications & Marketing
Email: tewin@uakron.edu

Matthew Juravich, Ph.D.

Matthew Juravich, Ph.D.
Title: Chief Strategy Officer | Associate Professor of Management | Faculty Athletics Representative
Dept/Program: Office of the President
Phone: 330-972-2308
Email: mjuravich@uakron.edu

Stephen J. McKellips, Ph.D.

Stephen J. McKellips, Ph.D.
Title: Vice Provost for Enrollment Management
Dept/Program: Office of Academic Affairs
Phone: 330-972-4788
Email: smckellips@uakron.edu

Dr. Fedearia Nicholson-Sweval

Dr. Fedearia Nicholson-Sweval
Title: Vice Provost for Student Pathways and Dean of the Williams Honors College
Dept/Program: Office of Academic Affairs; Williams Honors College
Phone: 330-972-5899
Email: fn@uakron.edu

Misty Villers

Misty Villers
Title: Interim Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
Dept/Program: Finance and Administration
Phone: 330-972-7019
Email: mviller@uakron.edu

Dr. Sheldon B. Wrice

Dr. Sheldon B. Wrice
Title: Vice President, Chief Diversity Officer
Dept/Program: Office of Community Engagement, Opportunity, and Belonging
Phone: 330-972-6023
Email: swrice1@uakron.edu

Dr. Suzanne Bausch

Dr. Suzanne Bausch
Title: Vice President for Research and Business Engagement
Dept/Program: Office of Research Administration
Email: sbausch@uakron.edu

M. Celeste Cook

M. Celeste Cook
Title: Vice President and General Counsel, Secretary, Board of Trustees
Dept/Program: General Counsel
Phone: 330-972-5787
Email: mcook@uakron.edu

Jim Gilbride, J.D.

Jim Gilbride, J.D.
Title: Chief of Police and Campus Safety
Dept/Program: Public Safety
Phone: 330-972-5910
Email: jpg2@uakron.edu

Sarah Kelly

Sarah Kelly
Title: Vice President of Human Resources, Chief Human Resources Officer
Dept/Program: Human Resources
Email: sarah30@uakron.edu

Dr. John Messina

Dr. John Messina
Title: Vice President
Dept/Program: Student Affairs
Phone: 330-972-7802
Email: jam125@uakron.edu

Dr. Gwyneth Price

Dr. Gwyneth Price
Title: Senior Vice Provost, Interim Dean of the Graduate School
Dept/Program: Office of Academic Affairs
Email: gprice@uakron.edu

Dr. John Wiencek

Dr. John Wiencek
Title: Executive Vice President and Provost
Dept/Program: Office of Academic Affairs
Email: johnw@uakron.edu