School of Law

Spring Semester 2017
Course, Casebook, and Assignment Listing Classes begin January 17, 2017

9200:602-001, 002 Genetin Civil Procedure II

Rec: Bridges and Schiess, Writing for Litigation, 2011 ed., Wolters Kluwer #9781454802730
Rec: Yeazell and Schwartz, Rule Supplement, 2016, Wolters Kluwer #9781454875628
Req: Yeazell and Schwartz, Civil Procedure, 9th ed., Wolters Kluwer #9781454883173
Req: Gundlach, et al, Putting Legal Doctrine into Practical Context: A Case File, 2015 ed., Wolters Kluwer #9781454869658

  1. Read on your own, pages 299-306, about why people go to court and which kinds of cases are generally tried to a jury or to a judge (the so-called "bench trial"). We will not go over these pages in class, but they provide important background for the focus of the semester - filing and litigating a case through trial and appeal.
  2. Read pages 367 to 368 and Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 8(a) and 12(b)(6).
    a. Pay attention to the complaint in the Haddle v. Garrison case - pages 372-374. What does it tell you about (1)who is suing; (2) who the defendants are; (3) what the "claims" are; (4) what the plaintiff wants as "relief"; and 5) what court the case has been filed in? What else does the complaint tell you?
    b. Why was the Haddle case litigated to the United States Supreme Court? What was the result of the Supreme Court's decision?