January 2010


  • Our first "brown bag" teaching luncheon will be next week, Wednesday, January 27, 12:15 with Carolyn Dessin presenting, based upon her presentation last summer at Gonzaga:  "Sneaking Skills and Professionalism into Every Course, Every Discussion, Every Day."  A copy of her handout is attached to this email.  PLEASE make an effort to attend--we've not done any teaching programming in a while, so this should be really helpful.
  • Our first invited speaker this semester is Prof. John Head, University of Kansas School of Law.  John will be doing a public presentation at 4:00 on Tuesday Feb. 2  on China's Legal Soul.  PLEASE invite your students and anyone else you think would be interested.  Rm. 151, reception to follow.
  • On Wed., Feb. 3, Prof.  Head will do a faculty colloquium at 12:15 in the Goldberg Room on Foreign Influence and Constitutionalism in the People's Republic of China:  A Western Perspective on Change and Uncertainty in Contemporary Chinese Legal Culture.  Please try to attend and do RSVP to misty@uakron.edu.  Also, Misty will be circulating copy's of Prof. Head's outline and will have copies of his article available for those interested.  Here is a link to Prof. Head's homepage.
    http://www.law.ku.edu/faculty/faculty/head.shtml  Kudos to Stefan for making this connection for us!
  • And finally, save the date!  Thursday, April 1, 2010 is the date of the Northeast Ohio Faculty Colloquium at CSU.  Sam Baumgartner will present his work, "Does Access to Justice Improve a Country's Compliance With Its Human Rights Obligations?"  As those of you know who attend the fall NEOFC, we've started to get really good turn outs from all three schools and the receptions and dinners are really enjoyable.  So please support your friend and colleague Sam and plan to attend!  Also, I encourage you to contact people at Case or CSU that you would like to meet there and email them ahead of time to see if they're able to attend.  We need to be networking and this is one good way to do it.