November 2009


  • Tracy Thomas' work, Bailouts, Bonuses, And The Return Of Unjust Gains, was posted on the Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation, on Saturday October 31, 2009.  Link is here:
  • The Miller Becker Symposium (courtesy of Jack Sahl and Frank Quirk) was written up in the ABA Lawyers' Manual on Professional Conduct.  Link is here:
  • Rich Lavoie's new Textbook, Problems in Tax Ethics (West) was just published.
  • Kalyani Robbins published Strength in Numbers: Setting Quantitative Criteria for Listing Species Under the Endangered Species Act, 27 UCLA J. Envt L. & Pol. 1 (2009)
  • Dick Aynes'  learned that two of his articles had been cited multiple times and quoted in the amicus brief filed by lawyers for the Institute for Justice and the Cato Institute in support of the petition for writ of certiorari in the U.S. Supreme Court in McDonald v. Chicago and NRA v. Chicago.
  • Will Huhn was solicited to submit and did submit an article to the Amsterdam Law Forum (Online journal in the Netherlands) and submitted Cross Burning as Hate Speech Under the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, which was published last month.  He also published The Legacy of Slaughterhouse, Bradwell, and Cruikshank in Constitutional Interpretation, 42 AKRON LAW REVIEW 1051-1080 (2009).
  • Marge Koosed learned that her LawYou Can Use column, "Judges Instruct Juries in Criminal Cases" for the OSBA was printed in five newspapers in Ohio in August including the Cleveland Daily Legal News.
  • Alan Newman Published Ohio Trust Code Update: Recent Developments, 20 Probate Law Journal of Ohio 1 (September/October 2009.