Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose Visits Campus to Discuss Voting


Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose visited UA’s campus on Wednesday, Sept. 23, to meet with President Gary L. Miller and student leaders at a roundtable to discuss the importance of student voting and share details of the voter registration initiative. Secretary LaRose also met with student athletes and visited a voter registration table on campus.

Attending the Voting Roundtable are [clockwise] Dr. Gary L. Miller, President; Secretary of State Frank LaRose, Jessica Vasiliades, Graduate Assistant, The Ray C. Bliss Institute of Applied Politics; Kevin Feezel, Undergraduate Student Government (USG) President; Alex Pavloff, Eastern Ohio Regional Liaison for Secretary LaRose; Oliver Huffman, President of Student-Athlete Advisory Council; Henna Schafer, Inclusive Excellence Action Team Co-Chair; and Jason Render Jr., Inclusive Excellence Action Team Co-Chair.

In addition to hosting the Secretary of State, who oversees voting in Ohio, on campus, The Ray C. Bliss Institute of Applied Politics and the Department of Student Life have partnered on other initiatives to encourage students to vote. These include a “Get Out the Vote” website where students can view the registration deadline and voting dates, register or change their registration, find their polling location, sign up to work at the polls, and other voting information. We are also spreading the word through posters and tables on campus and through social media. Students have posted videos about why voting is important and have appeared on local news media explaining why it is important for college students to vote.