Polymer REU Students visit Lubrizol and NASA


REU-Lubrizol-062619Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) in Polymer Science and Polymer Engineering, launched in 2004, has been a success in bringing students from across the country to learn about research methods and polymers here at The University of Akron’s College of Polymer Science and Polymer Engineering. REU provides these students valuable work experiences and opportunities to visit local industry and government facilities.

On June 26, REU interns visited Lubrizol’s Brecksville campus for a comprehensive, inspiring tour. During lunch, the conversations between the Lubrizol professionals and students were excellent and informative, and the entire experience for the participants was incredible.

And on July 11, the students visited the NASA Glenn Research Center for a tour of the facility and amazing hands-on demonstrations – another great opportunity and experience for the interns.

Here are some of the things our students had to share:

REU-NASA-071119“The trip to Lubrizol was one of the most well-informed trips that I have gone to in a while. I had an interest in the departments that were shown during the tour, especially the digital printer and home care department. The dinner also gave us a chance to hear from the employees. This tour greatly demonstrated the different opportunities at Lubrizol and the overall atmosphere it gives; I really think this trip was worthwhile.”

“I enjoyed getting to see how all the different departments and labs at Lubrizol work together, and I especially appreciated discussing career choices and options with employees. Thank you for a welcoming and educational experience!”

“I was glad we had the opportunity to tour the Lubrizol facilitates. I was very impressed by their labs and the work they were doing. I am grateful for the experience of seeing what research can be outside of an academic setting.”

“What I was very impressed with on the NASA trip was how hands-on the trip was. They had some really awesome demonstrations for us and I liked seeing their multiple work environments. I could tell that the people there genuinely enjoy their work.”

“The Lubrizol trip was amazing! I really liked the applicational aspect they demonstrated within everyday life. Specifically, the laundry detergent, dish soap, and the anti-fog mirror cleaning solution.”

“Thank you [NASA] for the tour of your facilities. I found the extraterrestrial engineering work fascinating and also enjoyed getting to learn about real-life applications of research similar to what we have done this summer in Akron.”

Thank you Lubrizol and NASA for making this summer’s REU program another great success and impacting the lives of students!