Polymer Family Nights at Bath Elementary School


IMG_0109-CropBath Elementary School is the most recent scene of an AGPA Polymer Family Night.

Due to the overwhelming response, two nights were scheduled. April 18 hosted 5th grade students and their families, and April 25 hosted the 4th grade students and families. Participants were treated to several polymer themed STEM activities, including “Shrinky Dinks”, “Musical Straws”, “Ziploctm Chemistry”, and the perennial favorite, “AGPA Poly Putty”. Over 250 people participated over the two nights.

Many thanks go out to Bath Elementary 5th grade teacher Diana Racin for organizing this quality event, including the scheduling of groups moving from station to station during the night. Another thank you goes to Principal Dan Fry for the incredible support in the planning and running of the events. Mr. Fry said that the event received a tremendous amount of positive feedback from parents.

IMG_0112-CropPolymer Engineering and Polymer Science students helped run the stations both nights. Special thanks goes to the members of PESO and PSSO who volunteered their time to help run stations. The following students participated: Nathan Ariza, Frankie Bouscher, Elizabeth Lewis, Marcos Pantoja, Pablo Sepulveda Medina, Meeta Trivedi, Putu Ustriyana, Jaelynne King, Erin Farrell, Akshata Kulkarni, Sainath Jadhav, and Suresh Narate.

AGPA looks forward to continued endeavors with our new school contact!