Legal skills teams shine— and get a boost


Akron Law’s Plakas Mannos mock trial teams both turned in strong performances at the American Association for Justice (AAJ) Student Trial Advocacy Competition (STAC) regional competition in mid-March but fell short of defending the school’s 2023 championship.

The team of 3L Roger Boyer and 2Ls Delayna Durr, William Hatt and Sera Martin advanced to the regional final where just a handful of points came between them and the trophy. The team of 3Ls Casey Ruppen, Emma Hall and Emily Gellatly and 2L Sai Pandrangi rallied back from a narrow loss in the opening round to advance to the semifinals.

“Congratulations to the teams for their incredible performance at the regional AAJ competition,” said team coach Kevin Kita of Sutter O’Connell. “Despite falling just shy of the championship, their dedication and skill truly shone through.”

As the trial teams prepared for the competition, they benefited from some invaluable support. Several Plakas Mannos trial attorneys volunteered their time trying the case against the students and sharing their courtroom experience. This was in addition to continued generous financial support.

“The Plakas Mannos firm’s unwavering support and generosity has been instrumental in helping our trial team shine,” says Associate Dean of Academic Affairs Mike Gentithes.

Meanwhile, a similar story was playing out for the moot court teams.

2L Ty Green was recognized as a Top Five oral advocate at the National Moot Court Competition in Child Welfare and Adoption Law in Columbus. He competed with Will Huff and the team was coached by Akron Law alumni Christina Marshall and Seth Marcum.

The Akron Law moot court team of 3Ls John Skakun and Nadine Jones and 2L William Hatt competed in the U.S. round of Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition in New Orleans. Jessup is the world's largest moot court competition. The team didn’t advance to the international rounds, but they gave the University of Virginia, one of the strongest teams in the nation, a scare, according to the team’s faculty advisor, Associate Professor Vera Korzun.

And the future looks brighter than ever with the new 1L Intramural Moot Court Competition on April 13, sponsored by Elk & Elk. The multi-round competition is open to 1Ls who started law school in summer or fall of 2023. Competitors argued the case they used for their LARW II problem, Gill v. FeMile, Inc. The final round was judged by current or former Ohio judges.

“We are grateful to Elk & Elk for its sponsorship of this first annual intramural moot court competition. The firm's generosity is crucial to the continued success of our Moot Court Honor Society,” said Assistant Professor and Director of Legal Writing Charlie Oldfield.

“Moot court is an excellent way for students to showcase their brief writing and oral advocacy skills in appellate arguments while honing their critical thinking skills and ability to work under pressure,” he added. “This new intramural program will give first-year students a head start on participating in a full-on moot court.”

The School of Law is grateful for the support the legal skills teams receive from all of the following:

Plakas Mannos $7,500
Joseph Darwal ’14 $1,000
Scullen & Cunning $500
Hon. Ernest DiSantis ‘74 $500
Christopher Pirrone ‘96 $250
Gregory Thompson ‘12 $250

Moot Court
Elk & Elk, Ltd. $5,000
Jackson Kelly PLLC $2,500
Christopher Hunter ‘95 $500 

Both Teams
Timothy McCarthy ‘93 $250
Thomas Adgate ‘87 $100             


Plakas Mannos Trial Team
The Plakas Mannos trial team of (left to right) Roger Boyer, Delayna Durr, Sera Martin and William Hatt advanced to the regional final of the 2024 AAJ STAC.

Jessup Moot Court TeamThe team of (left to right) John Skakun, Nadine Jones and Will Hatt represented Akron Law at the Jessup Moot Court Competition in New Orleans.