University to close January 3 at 2:30 p.m.

The University of Akron Main Campus and Wayne Campus will close today at 2:30 p.m. due to periodically worsening road conditions in Akron and northern Summit County.

See complete details.

CPSPE Staff Spotlight: John Fellenstein


Fellenstein-Headshot-Landscape-Web-012317CPSPE wouldn’t be the same without its amazing staff. We recently spoke with John Fellenstein, Content Specialist for the Akron Global Polymer Academy, about his role at CPSPE.

What is your role in CPSPE?

My role as Content Specialist is to promote polymer education in the K-12 and public settings. I visit classrooms by teacher request, organize family science nights, plan interactive polymer-themed school group visits to campus, organize and present STEM and polymer-themed teacher workshops, support faculty with outreach activities they can use when visiting schools, and collaborate with other departments on campus (engineering) to deliver polymer science and polymer engineering content to students attending summer camps hosted by UA.

Working with Dr. Cavicchi, I help to facilitate the Research Experience for Teachers program, sponsored by a grant from the National Science Foundation, and also work with faculty to support the educational outreach portions of grant proposals they are submitting.

What do you enjoy about your role in CPSPE?

I enjoy the opportunity to work with teachers, K-12 classes, and the general public during outreach events. I think my favorite parts are the interactions with kids. There is something quite rewarding when you hear a kid say “Cool!’, or “That was AWESOME!”

We have a responsibility to get kids interested in the sciences because the demand is great for employees that know how to solve problems and think analytically.

I also like working with the student organizations, as they are very good about volunteering.

Do you have any news about yourself and/or your family you’d like to share?

My lovely wife Lori and I will celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary this year. We have five wonderful sons, the two oldest are students at UA. We also have a Basset Hound named Jelly Bean, the only other female in our house! We plant a garden every year and try to can and freeze as much of our harvest as possible. I enjoy running and have completed four ultra-marathons.