Akron Law ABA National Moot Court Competition teams compete in Los Angeles


Moot Court Team in Los Angeles

Moot Court Team in Los Angeles

Congratulations to our Akron Law ABA National Moot Court Competition teams that competed in the regional in Los Angeles this past weekend.

The Akron Blue Team was Margaret Chappuies, Nicholas Fiedler, and Shayela Harmon. They were coached by Charli McConnell ’24.

The Akron Gold Team was Mitchell Crawford, William Huff, and Anna Zumbar. They were coached by Megan Parker ’23 and Kristo Pantelides ’22.

Both teams advanced to the semi-final round in the 28-team team competition. Congratulations to the Akron Blue Team for bringing home fourth place in the brief writing phase and to Mitchell for bringing home the best advocate award!

Thanks to Dean Gentithes, Professor Dessin, Professor Cohen, Matt Bodnar ’24, Laura Grimes ’22, Emily Towers ’22, Kelsey Jennings ’24, Katelyn Shoemaker ’21, Seth Marcum ’20, Jasmine Pantelides, Jaclyn Sims, Jonathan McGee, and Brii Brothag for helping with practices.