
Congratulations to all marking milestone anniversaries!

With gratitude, we honor our employees who are marking major service anniversaries this year. The time and energy you have devoted to our students and our University is deeply appreciated.

45 years

Sterns, Harvey - Psychology

35 years

Cowser, Jean - Ctr Acad Advising & Stu Success

Eichler, Rosemarie - History

Elliott, Daniel - Physical Facilities

Gerbetz, Stephen - Mechanical Engineering

Hicks, Douglas - Music

Kolaczewski-Ferris, Christine - Student Academic Success

Morse, Mindy - Developmental Programs

Moseley, Karen - Office of Student Success

Rex, Kathleen - Athletics

Rich, William - Law (Instruction)

Subich, Linda - A&S Dean's Office

Uber, Karen - Business & Info Technology

30 years

Bays, Gary - English-Wayne

Bodman, Alan - Music

Bracher, Nancy - Univ Comm & Marketing

Brechbill, James - Engineering & Science Tech

Caldwell, Karen - Graduate School

Charlton, Terri - University Police Department

Chuang, Steven - Polymer Science

Clark, Thomas - Finance

Ducharme Jr, Howard - Philosophy

Elliott Jr, J. Richard - Chemical & Biomolecular Engr

Forster, Antonia - English

Grad, Alan - University Police Department

Hausknecht, Douglas - Marketing

Haverkamp, Kimberly - Office of Academic Affairs

Kim, II-Woon - Accountancy

Marlinger, Richard - Economics-Wayne

McCann, Peggy - LBJ FF Education Dean's Office

O'Connor, Kevin - Athletics

Pangburn, William - Physical Facilities

Ramcharran, Harridutt - Finance

Sheppard Stafford, Shirley - Chemical & Biomolecular Engr

Turner, Dudley - School of Communication

Vansickle, Kenneth - Business & Office Tech-Wayne

Watts, Janet - University Comm & Marketing

Winter, Elizabeth - School of Communication

Alkire, Cynthia - English

Barua, Jibak - Instructional Services

Campbell Jr, Robert - Physical Facilities

Carroll Jr, John - University Police Department

Christian, Christina - Physics

Conrad, Edward - Accountancy

Cutright, Teresa - Civil Engineering

Dabb, Joanne - A&S Dean's Office

Dages, John - Communication

Deckler, Daniel Carl - Academic Affairs-Wayne

Dignan Weir, Joette - Univ Comm & Marketing

Doamekpor, Francois - Public Admin & Urban Studies

Erickson, Rebecca - Sociology

Hodgson, David - Geosciences-Wayne

Holgate, Gail - Sport Science & Wellness Educ

Hoot, Christopher - Art

Johanyak, Michael - Applied General & Tech Studies

Kent, Mark - Business & Info Technology

Keyes, Melvin - Physical Facilities

Kunz, John - English

Lombardo, Mary Ann Kate - Communication

Meier, Stacy - Mechanical Engineering

Pope, Susan - Business & Info Technology

Rancer, Andrew - Communication

Sahl, John - Law (Instruction)

Stockton, LuAnne - Sport Science & Wellness Educ

Stott, Nancy - Accountancy

Szabat, Carol - English

Teague, Colleen - Business & Office Tech-Wayne

Thorley, Sarah - Polymer Engineering

Travis, Cynthia - Physical Facilities

Vesalo, John - Acad Achievement Programs

Walchalk, Peggy - Honors College Dean's Office

Williams, Linda - Office of Accessibility

Wilson, James - Physical Facilities

Woicehovich, Vincent - Physical Facilities

Woods, Douglas - Business & Office Tech-Wayne

Anderson, Madeleine - Modern Languages

Ashbaugh, Jackie - Student Services Adm-Wayne

Betts Jr, David - Physical Facilities

Blake, Heather - Graduate School

Brewer, Andrea - Speech-Lang Path & Audiology

Carracher, Kathleen - Office of Accessibility

Chernikova, Irina - Applied General & Tech Studies

Ciszewski, Kathleen - Developmental Programs

Clark, Susan - LBJ FF Education Dean's Office

Dickie, Jill - Social Work

Eaglewolf, Patricia - Civil Engineering

Fightmaster IV, Max Donald - Electrical & Computer Engr

Foisie, Christina - Dance Institute

Hall, Bernadette - Assoc VP & Controller

Hariasz, Christopher - Dance, Theatre & Arts Admin

Isner, Jason - Hardware & Oper Sys Svs

Lashbrook, Laurie - Music

Laster, Brenda - Student Accounts/Bursar

Lee, Valoree - Purchasing Department

Lillie, Timothy - Curr & Instr Studies

Loe, Cynthia - Sport Science & Wellness Educ

Londraville, Richard - Biology

Lyons Jr, William - A&S Dean's Office

Menzemer, Craig - Engineering Dean's Office

Mikolajczyk, Julia - Student Academic Success

Misanko, James - Physical Facilities

Myers, Mary - Criminal Justice Studies

Newman, Alan - Law (Instruction)

Phipps, Jonnie - Instructional Services

Pipps, Val - Communication

Quinn, Jeanette - Economics

Sancaktar, Erol - Polymer Engineering

Scholl, Jamie - Physical Facilities

Vipperman, Randolph - Social Work

Walters, William - Physical Facilities

Wayner, Thomas - University Police Department

Welton, Evonn - Curr & Instr Studies

Wheland, Ethel - Mathematics

Wilcox, James Wade - History

Woodling, Randall - Network & Comm Svs

Yi, Ping - Civil Engineering

Young, Rita - Nursing

Albanese,  Teresa H - Buchtel College of Arts & Sci

Armstrong,  Diane - Office of Cap Plan & Fac Mngt

Asbury, Patricia M - Division of Student Success

Ash, Steven R - College of Business Admin.

Bagatto, Brian P - Buchtel College of Arts & Sci

Bailey, Matthew - Office of Academic Affairs

Batchelder, Kathy S - Wayne College

Becton, Patricia M - College of Applied Sci & Tech

Beneke, Charles C - Graduate School

Biller, Deborah M - Office of Advancement

Buldum, Alper - Buchtel College of Arts & Sci

Burke, Richard W - College of Business Admin.

Carlisle, Nick Thomas - Buchtel College of Arts & Sci

Chandra, Akhilesh - College of Business Admin.

Chapman, Tameca L - LBJ FF College of Education

Coleman, Jared D - VP,  Finance & Admin/CFO

Collinson, James A - VP,  Finance & Admin/CFO

Cross, Rocky L - Office of Cap Plan & Fac Mngt

Dambrot, Keith B - Office of Athletics

Danckaert - Skovira, Alissa - Buchtel College of Arts & Sci

Droddy II, William Guy - Office of Athletics

Duan, Zhong - Hui - Buchtel College of Arts & Sci

Eidam, James J - VP,  Finance & Admin/CFO

Elicker, Joelle D - Buchtel College of Arts & Sci

Engle, Kevin E - Wayne College

Falah, Ghazi - Buchtel College of Arts & Sci

Fielding, Lori Jean - University Libraries

Fox, Forrest F - Office of Cap Plan & Fac Mngt

Franklin, Misty D - School of Law

Gao, Xiaosheng - College of Engineering

Gargarella, Elisa B - Buchtel College of Arts & Sci

Gesquiere, Robert F - Office of Cap Plan & Fac Mngt

Giannone, Michael A - Office of Academic Affairs

Gills, Barry E - Office of Cap Plan & Fac Mngt

Gordon, Timothy L - Wayne College

Gray, Nicholas - Office of Cap Plan & Fac Mngt

Hancock Jr, Charles L - Office of Cap Plan & Fac Mngt

Hardin, Mary L - College of Business Admin.

Holland, Kristin Marie - Office of Cap Plan & Fac Mngt

Hughes, Michael J - VP,  Finance & Admin/CFO

Jackson, Karen K - College of Polymer Sci & Engr

Janosi, Renata - Office of Info Technology Srvs

Jarvis, Deloris L - College of Health Professions

Jennings - Rentenaar, Teena - Buchtel College of Arts & Sci

Kandiko, Charles T - Wayne College

Kern, Kevin F - Buchtel College of Arts & Sci

Kieffaber, Michelle D - Wayne College

Kolasky, Paul L - Office of Info Technology Srvs

Kolodziej, Matthew - Buchtel College of Arts & Sci

Kreiner, Dale S - College of Health Professions

Kropff, Janet S - College of Applied Sci & Tech

Lerch, Maureen T - Wayne College

Liu, Liping - College of Business Admin.

McWhorter, Sharon - Research Admin & Tech Trnsfr

Moore, Francisco B - Buchtel College of Arts & Sci

Moorefield, Charles N - College of Polymer Sci & Engr

Moritz, E. Stewart - School of Law

Naidu, Jenny - LBJ FF College of Education

Naska, Theresa M - Buchtel College of Arts & Sci

Newkome, George R - College of Polymer Sci & Engr

Nicholas, John B - College of Applied Sci & Tech

Novachek, Michele A - School of Law

Petras, Matthew B - Office of Info Technology Srvs

Pleuss, Carol J - Wayne College

Preston, Kenneth G - Research Admin & Tech Trnsfr

Raiff, Patricia A - LBJ FF College of Education

Reeves, John N - Buchtel College of Arts & Sci

Reid, Pamela J - College of Health Professions

Richards, Catherine M - College of Health Professions

Riedl, Jeffrey M - Buchtel College of Arts & Sci

Rolf, William J - Buchtel College of Arts & Sci

Samartgedes, Mary - Buchtel College of Arts & Sci

Schaaf, Kristina - Office of Info Technology Srvs

Shaffer, Katherine F - College of Applied Sci & Tech

Shoemaker, Daniel H - Office of Cap Plan & Fac Mngt

Shubat, Larry C - College of Applied Sci & Tech

Simms, Sherry A - Buchtel College of Arts & Sci

Soucek, Mark - College of Polymer Sci & Engr

Stein, Karen M - Office of Academic Affairs

Stevens, Amy C - College of Health Professions

Stevens, Shawn T - Office of Cap Plan & Fac Mngt

Stuart, Denise H - LBJ FF College of Education

Swinscoe, Thomas J - Buchtel College of Arts & Sci

Thelin, William - Buchtel College of Arts & Sci

Thomas, Kristin M - Office of Advancement

Warren, Nancy A - VP,  Finance & Admin/CFO

Weigand, Rose Mary - Office of Talent Dev & HR

Wheeler, Darren - Office of Cap Plan & Fac Mngt

Whitman, Linda G - Buchtel College of Arts & Sci

Willett, Stacy Lynn - College of Applied Sci & Tech

Williams, Mary P - Wayne College

Wilson, Gregory - Buchtel College of Arts & Sci

Adams Jr, Dale - Student Conduct & Comm Stand

Augustine, Joseph - A&S Dean's Office

Austin, Gerald - Political Science

Baltrinic, Barbara - LBJ FF Education Dean's Office

Bisconti, Toni - Psychology

Bowman Jr, Ronald - Registrar

Boyd, Lisa - Assoc VP & Controller

Brownlow, Robert - Music

Brueck, Jeremy Scott - Curr & Instr Studies

Brunty, Mark - Assoc VP & Controller

Callanan, Valerie - Sociology

Campbell, Timothy - Athletics

Conklin, Michael - Geosciences-Wayne

Crisan, Brian - University Police Department

Dalton, Terrence - Business & Info Technology

Diefendorff, James - Psychology

Dunlap, Laurie - Mathematics

Fitzgerald, Karen - Nursing

Foster, Lisa - Nursing

Garcia-DuPlain, Lauren - English

Gelleny, Ronald - Political Science

Gessel, Robert - Mathematics

Houle, Danica - CBA Dean's Office

Johnson, Erik - Mathematics-Wayne

Jolly, Stephen - Chemistry-Wayne

Jones, Julie - Athletics

Kemp, Sukanya - Applied General & Tech Studies

Kerr, Linda - Nursing

Kraus, Sophia - Speech-Lang Path & Audiology

Louscher, Susan - Office of Academic Affairs

Loven, Del Rey - Art

Malone, Robert - Accountancy

Maurer, Mary - Business & Office Tech-Wayne

McKnight, Lynn - Development Programs

Mehlberg, Timothy Robert - Business & Info Technology

Neal, Julia - Sport Science & Wellness Educ

O'Connell, Adam - Athletics

O'Connor, Kevin - LBJ FF Education Dean's Office

Palchick, Fred - Speech-Lang Path & Audiology

Perduyn, Ellen - Department of Development

Pratt, Julie - Athletics

Rich, Pamela - Biology

Robinson, Jay - English

Roebuck, Sandra - Acad Achievement Programs

Rumel, Ana - University Dining Services

Santos, Martha - History

Schneider IV, William - Civil Engineering

Sewell, James - English-Wayne

Shott, Michael - Anthropology & Classical St

Steiger, James - Speech-Lang Path & Audiology

Steinmetz, Janice - Social Work

Tavallali, Lisa - Business & Office Tech-Wayne

Wagner, Patrick Allen - Dance, Theatre & Arts Admin

Weaver, Mark - Political Science

Weyls, John - Philosophy-Wayne

Whipple, David - Allied Health Technology

Wilder, Joseph - A&S Dean's Office

Zhao, Gang - History

Zhao, Julie Yuhua - Engineering Dean's Office

Amato, Charles - Athletics

Ankrom, Jonah - Physical Facilities

Baad, Darlene - Social Work

Bailey, Kenneth William - Law (Instruction)

Balasubramnian, Bhanu - Finance

Bartley, Daniel - University Police Department

Barton, Hazel - Biology

Bass, Scott - Application Systems Svs

Bekcer, Tonya - UL Dean's Office

Benedict O'Brien, Alisa - Law Dean's Office

Beuk, Frederik Willem - Marketing

Boarman, Katie - Speech-Lang Path & Audiology

Bonko, Laura - Computer Science

Borden, Donna - Registrar

Bowden, George Jeffrey - Athletics

Brady, Charles - UL Science & Technology

Brown, Avis - Office of Academic Affairs

Brown, Tracey - Department of Development

Brusko, Mallory - Sport Science & Wellness Educ

Bucholtz, Kenneth - Business & Info Technology

Bushner, Norman Lelanier - Physical Facilities

Cajigas, Julie - Communication

Caldwell, Daniel - Physical Facilities

Choi, Jae-Won - Mechanical Engineering

Choi, Jeong Hoon - Management

Cochran, Brittany - Admissions

Coontz, Joseph - Physical Facilities

Costa, Roshinee - Engineering & Science Tech

Cuomo, Carrie - Nursing

Curfman, Laurie - Social Work

Datta, Sujay - Statistics

Dean, Megan - Sport Science & well Educ Wayne

Denman, Megan - Music

DeSalvo, Renee - Sport Science & Wellness Educ

Doll, Gary - Engineering Dean's Office

Dumpe, Michelle - Nursing

Dunbar, Michael - Honors College Dean's Office

Duncan, Pamela - Univ Comm & Marketing

Earl, Diontre - Department of Development

Edgar, Tim - Social Work

Everett, Stephanie Dawson - UL Dean's Office

Ferris, David - Communciation

Ferrise, Joseph - Finance

Foncellino, Laura Ann - English Language Institute

Ford, Derrick - Physical Facilities

Ford, Jeremy - Sport Science & Wellness Educ

Fowler, Richard - Engineering Dean's Office

Franze, Gayantonia - Biology

Frech, Adrianne - Sociology

Freund, Elizabeth - CBA Undergraduate Studies

Fullum, Anthony - Physical Facilities

Garrett, Mark - University Police Department

Gauer, Mark Evan - Physical Facilities

Goldstein, Innara - Applied General & Tech Studies

Gonser, Jeffrey - Department of Development

Grimsley, James - Physical Facilities

Hamdani, Maria - Management

Hamner, Erica - Student Life

Hanes Reed, Georgia - Allied Health Technology

Harris, Jeanetta - Physical Facilities

Henderson Sr, Anthony - Advancement

Hill, Jason - University Police Department

Hill, Wayne - Univ Comm & Marketing

Hilles, Stefanie - Art

Holgate, Dale - Sport Science & Wellness Educ

Holl, Daniel - Physical Facilities

Holliday, Gary - Curr & Instr Studies

Houston, Todd - Speech-lang Path & Audiology

Huang, Qindan - Civil Engineering

Huth, Robyn - Student Accounts/Bursar

Jackson, Barbara - Sport Sci & Well Educ Wayne

Jacquet, Robin - Polymer Science

James, Stephen - Music

Jett, Kathy - Nursing

Kauffman, Tanya - Graduate School

Keister, Scott - Modern Languages

Keller, Lloyd - Physical Facilities

Kellner, Kathleen - History

Kilcullen, Tina - Library Administration-Wayne

Klingler, Judith - Sport Science & Wellness Educ

Kreeger, Dennis - Application Systems Svs

Lee, Gillian - Student Academic Success

Lillard, Robert - Chemical & Biomolecular Engr

Liu, Pei-Yang - Nutrition & Dietetics

Lombardi, Robin - Law Dean's Office

Luccioni, Jay - Telecommunications

Maguth, Brad - Curr & Instr Studies

Malloy, Brian - UA Solutions

Mandalinich, Matt - Engineering & Science Tech

Martin, Brian - LBJ FF Education Dean's Office

McCarthy, Paula - Ctr Acad Advising & Stu Succ

McClintick, David - Engineering & Science Tech

Meeker, Kimberly - Curr & Instr Studies

Mikita, Katherine - English Language Institute

Mileti, Heidi - Engineering Dean's Office

Milwee, Alan - Athletics

Moore, Jeff - Mailing Services

Morgan, Thomas Joseph - Biology-Wayne

Murphy, Benjamin - Athletics

Myers, Todd - University Police Department

Nibling, Marilyn Sue - Nursing

Ohlson, Robert - Physical Facilities

Onita, Colin - Accountancy

Orellana Velasco, Patricia - Physical Facilities

Paonessa, Angela - University Police Department

Paruchuri, Sailaja - Chemistry

Pearson, Sheila - Civil Engineering

Peck, Timothy - Physical Facilities

Petusky, Gregory - Audio Visual Services

Phipps, Chelsea - Student Rec & Wellness Srvs

Plaster, Karen - Curr & Instr Studies

Rich, Mark - Polymers Dean's Office

Rini, Ashley - A&S Dean's Office

Romaker, Dana - Student Academic Success

Ryan, Eric - Printing Services

Sahai, Nita - Polymer Science

Schafer, Matthew - Univ Comm & Marketing

Scott, Beth - Health Services

Selzer, Katherine - Talent Dev & Human Resources

Shell, Daniel - Business & Info Technology

Shiller, Paul - Engineering Dean's Office

Sims, Bradley - Physical Facilities

Singletary, Frank - Business & Info Technology

Smith, Michelle Marie - Talent Dev & Human Resources

Smithson, Tammy - Nursing

Stasitis, Mark Gerald - Talent Dev & Human Resources

Steyer, George - Supervising Teachers

Stokowska, Dominika - Athletics

Sulak, Tamera - Engineering & Science Tech

Teckman, Thomas - English-Wayne

Trainor Jr, David - Athletics

Tran, Huu Nghi - Electrical & Computer Engr

Urse, Michael - Accountancy

Vang, Martha - Office of Academic Affairs

Venuto, Jennifer - Student Life

Visco Jr, Donald - Engineering Dean's Office

Vogt, Bryan - Polymer Engineering

Wallace, Kevin - Physical Facilities

Weisman, Jason - Capital Planning & Fac Mngt

Welsh, Diana - Coll of Appl Sci & Tech Dean's

Winter, Kimberly - Treasurer

Zhang, Wei - English