Research Facilities

The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering is equipped with the facilities listed below to support CAVES activities. Within the next year, the addition of an alternative energy lab, motor drives lab, and sensor lab specifically for the WCSSE program will be added - some of which will be housed in the new engineering research building.

Power Electronics & Motor Drives

  • Induction and PM Drives for Wind Applications
  • Traction Machines and Drives
  • Automotive PM and SR Machines
  • Industrial SRM Drives
  • Axial Flux Machines

Energy Conversion

  • DC-DC Converters
  • Utility Interactive and Standalone Inverters
  • SMart-Grid and Micro-Grid
  • Multi-level Inverters
  • Solar PV System

Electric and Hybrid Vehicles Facility

  • Li-ion Electric Vehicle
  • Ultracap-Diesel HEV
  • Plug-in Electric Vehicle
  • Electric Bikes
  • Li-ion and NiZn Battery Systems
  • Vehicle Energy Stations
  • Battery Management

Analog IC Design

Design, testing and fabrication of custom ASICs

Cadence Software

Used for analog integrated electronics design. This software consists of several different tools for design, layout, and simulation. Available under 2 licenses:

1. Commercial license (applies to a limited set of tools)

2. Academic license (applies to a fuller set of tools, but may only be used for teaching or non-profit academic research)

High-Temperature Wafer Probe Station

This equipment is used to test integrated circuits that have been fabricated on a wafer, but not packaged. This equipment includes a thermal chuck, which can heat the integrated circuit under test  between room temperature and 300 degrees C.

150KW Dynamometer Facility

  • Test and evaluation of hybrid-electric drivetrains
  • 150KW, four-quadrant regenerative electric dynamometer for testing electric motor drives
  • Installed with electrical and mechanical data aquisition components

Alternative Energy

  • Solar, wind, smart & microgrid support
  • Energy storage and scavenging
  • Batteries, fuel cells, ultracapacitors

Environmental Testing Facility

  • Test and evaluation at extreme conditions
  • Weather, temperature & humidity, pressure, vibrations


