Performance Opportunities
Performance is an exciting and essential part of every student's dance training!
It's a continuation of training, as learning choreography and working with classmates to create a piece of art to share with others is a valuable experience.
All Dance Institute students have opportunities to share what they've learned throughout the year, please see below for select examples.
Winter Showcase
Pre-Ballet + Beginning Level Classes will have a December studio showing in Guzzetta Hall's Albrecht Performance Studio.
Spring Gala
All students are invited to perform in our Spring Gala (formerly Work Summary) in May at Paul A. Daum Theatre in Kolbe Hall. This performance concludes the Spring Semester and includes Senior Recognitions and Scholarship Awards.
The University of Akron Dance Company (UADC)
Advanced dancers may be invited to show in a piece in The University of Akron Dance Company (UADC) performance in either the Fall or Spring Semester.
Community-Based Performances
Community-based performances include lecture / demonstrations for local events, schools, and retirement communities as well as collaborative performances with other arts organizations.