Ludy T. Benjamin, Jr. Distinguished Lecture in the History of Psychology

David G Myers

The 6th annual Ludy T. Benjamin, Jr. Distinguished Lecture in the History of Psychology presents:

Presentation: Psychological Science Engages the Post-Truth World by David G. Myers, Ph.D.

Date: May 17, 2018 at 5:30 pm-cash bar and hors d’oeuvres, 6:00 pm-dinner, 7:00 pm-lecture

Location: Quaker Station, The University of Akron, 130 E. Mill St., Akron, OH 44325

Presentation Overview: For psychological scientists and educators, the spread of misinformation is troubling, as when public understandings radically diverge from reality—when U.S. citizens believe, contrary to evidence, that crime is rising, that new immigrants are often criminals, and that climate change is a hoax. Some misinformation is intentional fake news—“lies in the guise of news.” But there is also persuasive power to mere repetition, the availability heuristic, confirmation bias, statistical illiteracy, and group polarization. And there is counteracting, truth-supportive power to evidence-based scientific scrutiny, education into critical thinking, and the religious mandate for humility.

David Myers is a communicator of psychological science to college students and the general public. His scientific writings, supported by National Science Foundation grants and fellowships, have appeared in three dozen academic periodicals, including Science, the American Scientist, the American Psychologist, and Psychological Science. David has digested psychological research for the public through articles in four dozen magazines and through seventeen books, including general interest books and textbooks. His research and writings have been recognized by the Gordon Allport Prize, by an “honored scientist” award from the Federation of Associations in the Brain and Behavioral Sciences, by the Award for Distinguished Service on Behalf of Personality-Social Psychology, and by three honorary doctorates.

About the Ludy T. Benjamin, Jr. Distinguished Lecture

This lecture series honors Ludy T. Benjamin, Jr., an outstanding teachLudy T. Benjamin,, scholar, and researcher, whose work has contributed significantly to our understanding of psychology and its history.

The annual Ludy T. Benjamin, Jr. Distinguished Lecture in the History of Psychology is hosted by the CCHP each year in May.

The CCHP invites you to sponsor a lecture.  See additional details on the sponsorship letter.