Strategic Plan and Initiatives
Strategic planning
In 2012, the Board of Trustees endorsed the Vision 2020 strategic plan that will guide our collective actions through our sesquicentennial in 2020. It is a newly stated vision for our future, building upon Charting the Course—the 1999 plan that enabled such achievements as increased enrollment, a transformed campus, renewed research strength and record endowments.
- Charting the Course (1999 - 2011)
New Landscape for Learning
Since 2000, New Landscape for Learning initiative has resulted in 22 new buildings, 18 major additions/renovations and 34 more acres of green space.
The Campaign for Akron
The Campaign for UA is all about pursuing a bold vision and being accountable. With the "Accelerate" campaign, we have recommitted to our vision of shaping our future.
Dollars raised will fund and endow academic programs, strengthen faculty and provide incentives for talented students to choose The University of Akron. Learn more about the campaign.
University Park Alliance

As part of the effort to create a new Landscape for Living, the University engaged with other major city organizations to form the University Park Alliance.
The alliance is revitalizing the diverse neighborhood in a 50-block area surrounding the University.
The Akron Model
The Akron Model is “tool chest” for strengthening community — a robust and broad-based platform for ensuring economic success in our region. Indeed, a growing number of components best illustrate the Akron Model – a model in which each initiative is the outcome of partnerships demonstrating the power of collective impact.
- Video: President Luis Proenza's 2011 State of the University Address, "The Akron Model"
- On the Web: The Akron Model
Integrator Assessor Model
for online learning
Information and commentary about new content-delivery and assessment models, including Multiple Open Online Courses and our own Integrator Assessor Model.