Faculty Research

Economics faculty conduct research to find solutions to economic issues facing households, businesses, government and society today.
Recent Publications
Alm, J., Enami, A., McKee, M. (2020). Who responds? Disentangling the effects of audits on individual tax compliance behavior. Atlantic Economic Journal, 48(2), 147-159.
Kuchibhotla, D. (2020). Inequality in health insurance coverage before and after the ACA. Health Economics.
Ghosh, S., Grassi, E. (2020). Overeducation and overskilling in the early careers of Ph.D. graduates: Does international migration reduce labor market mismatch? Papers in Regional Science, 99. https://doi.org/10.1111/pirs.12509
Enami, A., Lustig, N., Taqdiri, A. (2019). Fiscal policy, inequality, and poverty in Iran: assessing the impact and effectiveness of taxes and transfers. Middle East development journal, 11(1), 49-74.
Stephens, H. M., Weinstein, A. (2019). Household valuation of energy development in amenity-rich regions. GROWTH AND CHANGE, 50(4), 1375-1410.
Patrick, C., Weinstein, A. (2019). Recession‐proof skills, cities, and resilience in economic downturns. Journal of Regional Science, 60(2), 348-373. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/jors.12446
Renna, F., Weinstein, A. (2019). The veteran wage differential. APPLIED ECONOMICS, 51(12), 1284-1302.
Ghosh, S., Yamarik, S. (2019). Do the Intellectual Property Rights of Regional Trading Arrangements Impact Foreign Direct Investment? An Empirical Examination. International Review of Economics and Finance, 62, 180-195. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.iref.2019.03.002
DiCintio, M., Ghosh, S., Grassi, E. (2019). Direct or Indirect Exports: What Matters for Firms’ Innovation Activities. Applied Economics Letters, 26. https://doi.org/10.1080/13504851.2019.1610693
Partridge, M. D., Rohlin, S., Weinstein, A. (2019). Firm Formation and Survival in the Shale Boom. Small Business Economics. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11187-019-00162-9
Enami, A., Lustig, N., Aranda, R. (2018). Analytic Foundations: Measuring the Redistributive Impact of Taxes and Transfers. Commitment to Equity Handbook. A Guide to Estimating the Impact of Fiscal Policy on Inequality and Poverty. Brookings Institution Press and CEQ Institute, Tulane University.
Enami, A. (2018). Iran: An Application of the CEQ Effectiveness Indicators. Commitment to Equity Handbook. A Guide to Estimating the Impact of Fiscal Policy on Inequality and Poverty. Brookings Institution Press and CEQ Institute, Tulane University.
Enami, A. (2018). Measuring the Effectiveness of Taxes and Transfers in Fighting Inequality and Poverty. Commitment to Equity Handbook. A Guide to Estimating the Impact of Fiscal Policy on Inequality and Poverty. Brookings Institution Press and CEQ Institute, Tulane University.
Enami, A. (2018). Measuring the Redistributive Impact of Taxes and Transfers in the Presence of Reranking. Commitment to Equity Handbook. A Guide to Estimating the Impact of Fiscal Policy on Inequality and Poverty. Brookings Institution Press and CEQ Institute, Tulane University.
Enami, A., Lustig, N. (2018). The Wrecking Force of Inflation: How the Universal Cash Transfer in Iran Has Lost its Poverty Reduction Impact (No. 37 ed.). Economic Research Forum (Egypt) Policy Brief.
Ghosh, S., Mastromarco, C. (2018). Exports, immigration and human capital in US states. Regional Studies, 1-13. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00343404.2017.1361020
Weinstein, A., Partridge, M. D., Tsvetkova, A. (2018). Follow the money: Aggregate, sectoral and spatial effects of an energy boom on local earnings. RESOURCES POLICY, 55, 196-209.
Krumel, Jr, T. P., Enami, A. (2017). Balancing the ticket while appealing to the base: The game theory behind Mitt Romney’s selection of Paul Ryan as his presidential running mate. Party Politics, 23(5), 498-506.
Alm, J., Enami, A. (2017). Do government subsidies to low-income individuals affect interstate migration? Evidence from the Massachusetts Health Care Reform. Regional Science and Urban Economics, 66, 119-131.
Enami, A. (2017). Does Unrestricted Public School Choice Increase Racial Segregation? Evidence from a Natural Experiment in New Orleans. Applied Economics Quarterly, 63(3), 275-294.
Ghosh, S., Lien, D., Yamarik, S. (2017). Does the Confucius Institute Network Impact Cultural Distance? A Panel Data Analysis of Cross-Border Flows in and out of China. Asian Economic Journal, 31(3), 299-323. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/asej.12125
Weinstein, A. (2017). Working women in the city and urban wage growth in the United States. Journal of Regional Science, 57(4), 591-610. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/jors.12336
Di Cintio, M., Ghosh, S., Grassi, E. (2017). Firm growth, R&D expenditures and exports: An empirical analysis of italian SMEs. Research Policy, 46(4), 836-852. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.respol.2017.02.006
Ghosh, S., Reynolds, C. L., Rohlin, S. M. (2016). The spillover effects of United States foreign trade zones. Applied Economics, 48(43), 4112-4130. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00036846.2016.1153787
Patrick, C., Stephens, H., Weinstein, A. (2016). Where are all the self-employed women? Push and pull factors influencing female labor market decisions. Small Business Economics, 46(3), 365-390. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11187-015-9697-2
Krumel Jr., T. P., Enami, A. (2015). Pairing with an extreme running mate helps moderate presidential candidates to appeal to more voters. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog, The London School of Economics and Political Science.
Partridge, M. D., Weinstein, A. (2015). Economic Implications of Unconventional Fossil Fuel Production. Albrecht, D. (Ed.), Our Energy Future: Socioeconomic Implications and Policy Options for Rural America. New York, NY: Routledge.
Ghosh, S., Renna, F. (2015). The Relationship Between Communicable Diseases and FDI Flows: An Empirical Investigation. The World Economy, 38(10), 1574-1593. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/twec.12261
Ghosh, S., Enami, A. (2015). Do refugee-immigrants affect international trade? Evidence from the world's largest refugee case. Journal of Policy Modeling, 37(2), 291-307. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jpolmod.2015.01.011
Yamarik, S., Ghosh, S. (2015). Broad versus regional integration: what matters more for economic development? The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development, 24(1), 43-75. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09638199.2013.868024