Shannon McKnight
Coordinator Student Success Administration, Career Services & Student Employment
Shannon McKnight
Coordinator Student Success Administration, Career Services & Student Employment
Office: Student Union, Room 211
Phone: 330-972-7747

"I help students by making appointments with the correct coordinator depending on their major."
Q: Why should students use Handshake? Do you have a Handshake power tip? What are students surprised to learn that they can do in Handshake?
A: Handshake provides a place where students and alumni can apply for jobs that have already been pre-screened. Many of the employers are specifically looking for individuals affiliated with The University of Akron. Handshake is also equipped with resources, guides and tools that you may not be able to find anywhere else.
Q: What's the best tip you have for those writing a resume or cover letter? How can you help students prepare both?
A: The best advice I was ever given was to use a thesaurus and of course proofread multiple times! Drop by the Career Center to have your resume and/or cover letter reviewed by one of our career assistants.The best advice I was ever given was to use a thesaurus and of course proofread multiple times! Drop by the Career Center to have your resume and/or cover letter reviewed by one of our career assistants.
Q: How can technology make a search easier? How has it made searches more challenging?
A: Technology makes it possible to search for multiple jobs in any given area. It allows for in depth searches that may otherwise take a lot of time. It’s also great for those that are willing to or looking to relocate. The downside is trying to make your resume stand out among a hundred other applicants. It’s also wise to be aware of scams. If something doesn’t seem right than it probably isn’t.
Q: What do you wish you had known when you were searching for your first job after college? Or what is the best career advice you have received?
A: Use every resource available to you. There is no excuse for not utilizing everything the Career Center has to offer. Even if you do not live close by you can email your resume for review, skype for a mock interview or even do a phone consultation.
Q: Why should students attend the next career fair?
A: The career fair offers opportunities for students to network with employers in their chosen field. Prepare for the big day by developing and practicing an excellent elevator pitch. Don’t forget to visit our Career Closet to round off that professional look you are going for.