Call for Nominations: University of Akron Awards and Recognition

All members of The University of Akron and its campuses, including students, faculty, staff, professional staff and administrators are invited to submit nominations for The University of Akron Awards and Recognition. These awards honor faculty, staff and professional staff whose contributions to the University community warrant recognition.

To complete a nomination:

  1. 1. Carefully review the criteria for the award (descriptions and criteria are below) for which you would like to nominate an individual;
    • NOTE: Nominees should meet one or more of the criteria, but do not need to meet all listed criteria.
  2. Complete the nomination form;
  3. Copy and paste a letter of two pages or less that details and demonstrates how the nominee meets the award criteria - or upload a MS Word document. 

Deadline for nominations is 5 p.m. on Friday, January 31, 2025.

After nominations have been received, the nominees will be contacted and asked to submit their curriculum vitae or resume to the Committee. They will also be invited to submit materials that support their nomination.

Thank you for taking the time to honor The University of Akron faculty, staff, and professional staff who make the University a strong, vibrant, student-centered community.

See past recipients

Nominate someone for a University of Akron Award and Recognition

University of Akron Recognition Awards

Below are the descriptions and criteria for the 10 awards to be presented to faculty, staff, and professional staff. 

I. Outstanding Faculty (two awards)

All full-time faculty members currently teaching and employed by The University of Akron are eligible. This award requires documented evidence of teaching excellence, as reflected in its impact on student learning and success.

One award will be given to a faculty member with fewer than six years of service and the second will be given to a faculty member with six years of service or greater.

Criteria: An Outstanding UA teacher must demonstrate exceptional:

  1. Knowledge/Preparation: Deep and comprehensive knowledge of his/her discipline or field and a commitment to remaining current in course-related preparation;
  2. Instructional Design Skills: Skill in defining appropriate learning goals, outcomes, and standards, as well as developing challenging assignments and assessments consistent with those course goals and outcomes;
  3. Teaching Skills: Skill in communicating course material clearly and effectively, and in promoting deep learning (not just rote memorization), including critical and creative thinking;
  4. Motivational Skills: Skill in promoting appreciation of the subject matter and interest in further learning characteristics of UA students;
  5. Creativity: Ability to adapt/develop new instructional solutions to the ever-changing learning needs and characteristics of UA students;
  6. Learner-Centeredness: Skill in helping UA students discover and achieve their individual educational goals.

II. Outstanding Adjunct Faculty Member Award

All adjunct faculty members instructing at least once per year in department or program over three academic years are eligible. Nominees must be teaching in the current academic year. The nominee must demonstrate commitment to excellence in the classroom; innovative teaching and learning opportunities for students; contributions/collaborations with program development; or exceptional student mentorship.

Criteria: An Outstanding Adjunct Faculty Member must demonstrate exceptional:

  1. Knowledge/Preparation: Deep and comprehensive knowledge of his/her discipline or field and a commitment to remaining current in course-related preparation;
  2. Instructional Design Skills: Skill in defining appropriate learning goals, outcomes, and standards, as well as developing challenging assignments and assessments consistent with those course goals and outcomes;
  3. Teaching Skills: Skill in communicating course material clearly and effectively, and promoting deep learning (not just rote memorization), including critical and creative thinking;
  4. Motivational Skills: Skill in promoting appreciation of the subject matter and interest in further learning;
  5. Creativity: Ability to adapt/develop new instructional solutions to the ever-changing learning needs and characteristics of UA students;
  6. Learner-Centeredness: Skill in helping UA students discover and achieve their individual educational goals.

III. Outstanding Researcher

All full-time faculty members currently employed by the University are eligible. These applicants’ research must have contributed to the faculty members’ field of endeavor and be evidenced by federally- or industrially-funded grants and contracts, as well as publications in refereed journals, scholarly books, and/or patents. The awards are to be based primarily on research achievement, although scholarly activity and productivity as reflected in the quality of teaching and its impact on students may be considered.

Early Achievement in Research: To recognize a faculty member who has demonstrated outstanding accomplishments in research early in his/her/their professional career. A full-time tenured, tenured, tenure-track, or non-tenured track faculty member who has an academic career of less than 10 years is eligible for this award.

Career Achievement in Research: To recognize a faculty member for outstanding career achievements in research in his/her/their professional career. A full-time tenured, tenure-track, or non-tenured track faculty member who has had an academic career of more than 10 years is eligible for this award.

Criteria: An Outstanding UA Researcher must:

  1. Possess a comprehensive knowledge of his/her field as shown by a scholarly grasp of the subject and an abiding interest in the academic discipline;
  2. Organize and present subject matter effectively as demonstrated by publication in refereed journals, books, funded competitive federal grants, etc.;
  3. Be viewed as either an expert, leader or an emerging leader in his/her field.

IV. Outstanding Mentor

UA recognizes exceptional achievement in student mentoring with the Outstanding Mentor Award for faculty members, staff and professional staff.

Criteria: An Outstanding Mentor must demonstrate exceptional:

  1. Dedication to a student’s academic success and engagement in the campus community;
  2. Commitment to enhancing a student’s academic experience and in helping UA students discover and achieve their individual educational goals;
  3. Skill in promoting the appreciation of the UA community and our mission of higher education;
  4. Ability to include diverse groups of student as valued and necessary participants in education.

V. Supporting the Student Experience Award

UA recognizes exceptional achievement in the dedication to student academic support, student learning, and student engagement with this award which is open to all faculty, staff and professional staff. This award recognizes that excellence in driving the student experience can take many forms.

Criteria: An outstanding Supporter of the Student Experience should demonstrate:

  1. Dedication to students’ academic success and engagement in the campus community;
  2. Commitment to enhancing support for student success by creating and supporting an “Akron Experience;”
  3. Skill in promoting the understanding of what it takes to be successful in college;
  4. Ability to develop new solutions to the ever-changing needs and characteristics of students;
  5. Commitment to helping UA students discover and achieve their individual educational goals.

VI. Community Engagement Award

UA recognizes and celebrates faculty, administrators, and staff who have made engagement with the community a focus of their approach to student learning and scholarship. Recipients should demonstrate engagement that addresses critical community concerns or leadership in academic service-learning.


  1. Dedication to service or experiential learning, or other community involvement;
  2. Commitment to enhancing a student’s academic experience through engagement with community;
  3. Skill in promoting service learning or other kinds of service to the community;
  4. Ability to include diverse groups in the community;
  5. Engagement with the community that has had an identified impact on the targeted constituents.

VII. Exemplary University Service Award

The Exemplary University Service Award recognizes consistent excellence above and beyond the call of duty in service to the department, college, and/or university during one’s years of employment at UA as a contract professional, staff or faculty member.

Professional Staff

Full and part-time faculty, professional staff and staff employees with at least two years of service to UA are eligible to be nominated. Nominees should have an impressive service record and meet one or more of the following criteria:


  1. Gives maximum effort, consistently exceeding job and workload demands;
  2. Demonstrates a positive attitude;
  3. Leads by example and motivates others;
  4. Shows a strong commitment to their job and UA, including working with students, department, college or campus, or the institution as a whole.

VIII. Diversity Award

UA recognizes the accomplishments of faculty, professional staff and staff who contribute to a culturally-diverse, inclusive and compassionate University community through exemplary leadership. Recipients should demonstrate a commitment to diversity and inclusion through recruitment and retention efforts, teaching, research, multicultural programming, cultural competency, or community outreach activities.

Criteria: Individuals must have demonstrated diversity leadership in one or more of the following areas:

  1. Participates or promotes activities to recruit, retain, and professional develop individuals who increase the diversity of the faculty or staff;
  2. Demonstrates dedication to students’ academic success and engagement in the campus community;
  3. Participates or promotes activities to create leadership teams that promote a diverse and inclusive culture;
  4. Engages in sponsorship or active promotion of programs or initiatives in the area of diversity and inclusion;
  5. Collaborates with campus or community groups in the creation and implementation of programs, initiatives, or projects in the area of diversity and inclusion;
  6. Demonstrates a commitment to helping UA students discover and achieve their individual educational goals.