Tiered MentoringUsing science to help save critically endangered speciesDr. Carlos Martínez Rivera, Kathleen Balogh, and Shane Good (Akron Zoo) |
Everybody goes to the zoo to see lions, tigers, and giraffes. However, zoos are the ex situ conservation centers of the XXI century, where animal populations are managed outside of their natural range. We are uniquely equipped to house and breed critically endangered species and as such have a moral and ethical commitment to do so. It is part of our mission. Because of this, we are the stewards of species that in some cases are presumed extinct in the wild and we are the only hope for them. One such species, the partula snails from Tahiti was all but gone from the wild. We at Akron Zoo hold one of their most robust populations and have begun releasing some snails back into the wild together with several international colleagues. As we move forward with our conservation initiatives, we need to carry out some basic research on the breeding and foraging behaviors of these animals. Do snails follow the trail of others snails? Is this how they find a mate and new food sources? What is the best way to ensure captive bred Partula snails have a real chance of adapting to their ancient homes in the wild? These questions are extremely important as we assess the next steps before releasing more snails back to the wild in Tahiti once the conservation issued that drove them to near extinction are addressed.
You would help us design different trials and collect data on some of these questions. You will also analyze data and help us disseminate these results as part of our publications.
What will you learn?
You will learn about the basics of ex situ conservation, help us analyze data and extract information from our trials. You will have a better understanding of the scientific process and method and the ability to answer your own ecological question regarding captive population management.
There will be a 10 hour/week expectation for one student. Most of work will be carried out at the zoo in an office setting (or can be done remotely), while the trials will be carried in designated animal areas together with zoo staff.