Subject Code Transition Search Tool

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Total results: 6060
# Old Course # New Course # Course Title
1601 3460:455 CPSC 455 Data Communication & Computer Networks
1602 3460:457 CPSC 457 Computer Graphics
1603 3460:460 CPSC 460 Artificial Intelligence & Heuristic Programming
1604 3460:463 CPSC 463 Pervasive Computing
1605 3460:465 CPSC 465 Computer Architecture
1606 3460:468 CPSC 468 Mobile Robotics
1607 3460:475 CPSC 475 Database Management
1608 3460:476 CPSC 476 Introduction to NoSQL Data Management
1609 3460:477 CPSC 477 Introduction to Parallel Processing
1610 3460:480 CPSC 480 Software Engineering
1611 3460:489 CPSC 489 Topics in Computer Science
1612 3460:490 CPSC 490 Senior Seminar in Computer Science
1613 3460:497 CPSC 497 Individual Study in Computer Science
1614 3460:498 CPSC 498 Senior Honors Project: Computer Science
1615 3460:501 CPSC 501 Fundamentals of Data Structures
1616 3460:506 CPSC 506 Introduction to C & UNIX
1617 3460:508 CPSC 508 Windows Programming
1618 3460:511 CPSC 511 Human-Computer Interaction
1619 3460:515 CPSC 515 Big Data Programming
1620 3460:518 CPSC 518 Introduction to Discrete Structures