Subject Code Transition Search Tool

Enter your search keyword(s), choose a filter, and then click Go. You can filter by old course number (e.g., 3450:221 or just 3450), new course number (ACCT 201 or ACCT), or course title (Medical Terminology or just Medical).

Total results: 6060
# Old Course # New Course # Course Title
1021 3300:486 ENGL 486 Learner English
1022 3300:487 ENGL 487 Field Experience: Teaching Second Language Learners
1023 3300:489 ENGL 489 Seminar in English
1024 3300:490 ENGL 490 Workshop in English
1025 3300:492 ENGL 492 Senior Seminar
1026 3300:498 ENGL 498 Independent Study in English
1027 3300:500 ENGL 500 Anglo Saxon
1028 3300:503 ENGL 503 Development of Arthurian Legend
1029 3300:506 ENGL 506 Chaucer
1030 3300:507 ENGL 507 Middle English Literature
1031 3300:521 ENGL 521 Swift & Pope
1032 3300:524 ENGL 524 Early English Fiction
1033 3300:530 ENGL 530 Victorian Poetry & Prose
1034 3300:531 ENGL 531 Victorian Fiction
1035 3300:535 ENGL 535 20th Century British Poetry
1036 3300:536 ENGL 536 British Fiction: 1900-1925
1037 3300:537 ENGL 537 British Fiction Since 1925
1038 3300:548 ENGL 548 American Romantic Fiction
1039 3300:549 ENGL 549 American Fiction: Realism & Naturalism
1040 3300:550 ENGL 550 Modern American Fiction