Subject Code Transition Search Tool

Enter your search keyword(s), choose a filter, and then click Go. You can filter by old course number (e.g., 3450:221 or just 3450), new course number (ACCT 201 or ACCT), or course title (Medical Terminology or just Medical).

Total results: 6060
# Old Course # New Course # Course Title
621 3100:454 BIOL 454 Parasitology
622 3100:455 BIOL 455 Ichthyology
623 3100:456 BIOL 456 Ornithology
624 3100:457 BIOL 457 Herpetology
625 3100:458 BIOL 458 Vertebrate Zoology
626 3100:460 BIOL 460 Medical Histology
627 3100:463 BIOL 463 Exercise Physiology
628 3100:465 BIOL 465 Advanced Cardiovascular Physiology
629 3100:466 BIOL 466 Vertebrate Embryology
630 3100:467 BIOL 467 Comparative Vertebrate Morphology
631 3100:468 BIOL 468 The Physiology of Reproduction
632 3100:469 BIOL 469 Respiratory Physiology
633 3100:470 BIOL 470 Lab Animal Regulations
634 3100:471 BIOL 471 Physiological Genetics
635 3100:472 BIOL 472 Biological Mechanisms of Stress
636 3100:473 BIOL 473 Foundations of Physiology II
637 3100:474 BIOL 474 Foundations of Physiology Laboratory II
638 3100:475 BIOL 475 Comparative Biomechanics
639 3100:478 BIOL 478 Renal Physiology
640 3100:480 BIOL 480 Molecular Biology