Subject Code Transition Search Tool

Enter your search keyword(s), choose a filter, and then click Go. You can filter by old course number (e.g., 3450:221 or just 3450), new course number (ACCT 201 or ACCT), or course title (Medical Terminology or just Medical).

Total results: 6060
# Old Course # New Course # Course Title
581 3100:225 BIOL 225 Biology of AIDS
582 3100:238 BIOL 238 Biomimicry Foundations
583 3100:265 BIOL 265 Introductory Human Physiology
584 3100:290 BIOL 290 Health-Care Delivery Systems
585 3100:291 BIOL 291 Health-Care Delivery Systems
586 3100:295 BIOL 295 Special Topics in Biology
587 3100:311 BIOL 311 Cell & Molecular Biology
588 3100:312 BIOL 312 Neuroscience in Health and Disease
589 3100:315 BIOL 315 Evolutionary Biology Discussion
590 3100:316 BIOL 316 Evolutionary Biology
591 3100:318 BIOL 318 Biomimicry Design Challenge
592 3100:331 BIOL 331 Microbiology
593 3100:342 BIOL 342 Flora & Taxonomy
594 3100:343 BIOL 343 Diversity of Plants
595 3100:344 BIOL 344 Diversity of Plant Laboratory
596 3100:345 BIOL 345 Biology of Vascular Plants
597 3100:363 BIOL 363 Foundations of Physiology I
598 3100:364 BIOL 364 Foundations of Physiology Laboratory I
599 3100:365 BIOL 365 Histology
600 3100:367 BIOL 367 Genomics