
Any Company, Federal Research & Development Organization, or any Government-owned Contractor Operated Laboratory may become a member of the Timken Foundation Center for Precision Manufacturing, consistent with applicable state and federal laws and statutes.

Why Become a CPM Member?

  • Leveraging your research money. For a $25k yearly membership fee, you get full access to the research results generated by $250k. Members get 10X return on their investment.
  • Interaction with university professors and students involved in manufacturing research.
  • Access to highly trained students. Our students can be hired by our industry members because they have already trained during the research project in which they were involved.
  • Zero project overhead allows most of the membership funds to be devoted to research.
  • Discounted rate for training. You can register your employees at lower costs in the center’s training workshops.
  • Discounted rate for test services. You can have access to the center’s test devices and machines at lower costs.
  • Enhance your industry network. You sit on the board with researchers from other companies.
  • Access to over 15,800 square feet of industrial space, 25+ pieces of state-of-the-art-equipment, and 25+ top faculty / engineering minds in the center.

Membership Tiers

Full Member

  • $25,000/year
  • 1 seat on the board with voting rights to decide on the topics of research projects
  • Full access to all research results
  • Discounted rate for the center’s educational/training workshops
  • Discounted rate for the center’s test services

Associate Member

  • $15,000/year
  • 1 seat on the board without voting rights
  • Full access to all research results
  • Discounted rate for educational/training workshops
  • Discounted rate for the center’s test service

Affiliate Member

  • $8,000/year
  • Discounted rate for educational/training workshops
  • Discounted rate for the center’s test service

Please submit your questions or membership request to Dr. D. Dane Quinn at