Polymer Science Machine Shop

Manager: Ed Laughlin
Office: GDYR-136B
Phone: (330) 972-7534
Fax: (330) 972- 5290
E-mail: edward7@uakron.edu

The Machine Shop is located in the Goodyear Polymer Center in room GDYR-136. The shop is open to the faculty and students in the Institute of Polymer Science. Other than the cost of materials and tooling, there is no charge for the services of the Machine Shop.

The function of the shop is to provide mechanical maintenance of scientific equipment and specialized building systems.

The Laboratory Machinist manages the Machine Shop, analyzes the research project needs and requests of faculty, post-doc researchers and students and designs and constructs appropriate solutions (i.e., molds, test equipment, specialized fixtures) utilizing machine shop resources. He also instructs and supervises students and staff in safe use of machine shop equipment.


Members of the Department of Polymer Science are charged only for materials and supplies used for their projects.