Two students talking in the grass. One is laying on her stomach with a book and the other is sitting on the grass. Two students talking in the grass. One is laying on her stomach with a book and the other is sitting on the grass.

Master of Arts, English

100% online

 Same expert faculty as in-person classes

 MA students may simultaneously pursue a Graduate certificate in Composition or a Graduate Certificate in Literature


The Master of Arts in English provides students with strong practical and theoretical grounding as you prepare to move forward into careers or into graduate and professional school. In this program, you will find faculty who are accessible and eager to work with students to help you develop papers for publication in refereed journals, create proposals for presentation at regional and national conferences, and prepare curriculum for use in your own teaching.

Our program can be completed in as little as 15 months.


In your courses, you will place texts and practices within wider cultural and multicultural debates. Through assigned writings, you will articulate informed viewpoints on real-world issues and practice various forms of professional and critical writing, learning to interpret texts in contexts ranging from academic debate to the contemporary classroom to a variety of professional settings.


  • The quality and eagerness of our faculty to work with graduate students is a distinctive feature of our program. Since the master's degree is Akron's terminal degree in English, more attention is devoted to it than at some universities where the doctorate is the terminal degree.
  • Faculty are accessible and eager to work with students on an individual basis.
  • We have a wonderful mix of graduate students from diverse backgrounds, both traditional and non-traditional.
  • We also have a strong number of graduate students who are teachers pursuing further certifications.


No GRE or other entrance exams required.

To be eligible for the MA, Applicants must have a confirmed baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university with an overall grade-point average of 2.5-2.74 or better. The English Department requires that applicants to the MA have a B.A. in English, a minor in English, or other suitable course preparation. To learn whether their academic study in other fields is suitable preparation, applicants should contact the Department of English.

To be eligible for either certificate, a student must be admitted to the University as a graduate student (with either full or provisional status).





Newsweek has ranked UAkron Online in the top 50 online schools in the country