A woman sitting at a desk reviewing her notes from class. A woman sitting at a desk reviewing her notes from class.

Master of Arts, Curriculum and Instruction

100% online

Same expert faculty as in-person classes


What can I do with this degree?

The 30-credit hour graduate program in curriculum and instruction is designed for educators seeking to enhance their teaching and learning skills in K-12, higher education, and other settings. The curriculum covers an in-depth study of teaching, learning, and curriculum design. It's important to note that completing the master's program does not lead to licensure.

What will I learn?

In this program, many students, often working teachers or trainers, focus on improving the integration of technology into teaching and learning. The acquired knowledge and skills prepare graduates for various roles, including technology facilitators in school districts, technology resource personnel in educational institutions, training specialists, instructional designers in education, business, and government, as well as multimedia developers and specialists. Students can also choose to include an endorsement.

  • The Computer/Technology Endorsement prepares licensed educators to add a K-12 Computer/Technology endorsement to any standard teaching license such as Early Childhood, Middle Childhood, Intervention Specialist, Adolescence to Young Adult (AYA), or Multi-Age licenses.
  • The Graduate K-12 Computer/Technology Endorsement is intended for teachers who wish to serve as a technology integration mentor/facilitator for colleagues in their schools and districts. Once the applicants are admitted into the M.A. of Curriculum and Instruction or as a non-degree seeking student, students required to complete the 18 credits and are then eligible to take the Ohio Assessment for Educators (OAE) tests 046/047 and to apply for the Computer/Technology Endorsement.

Career Outlook

The Covid pandemic significantly increased demand for instructional designers in education and industrial fields to support the development of online or blended learning courses and the materials to support virtual learning. Virtual and online learning is remaining to be a high demand for education and training. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (Jan 2024), career opportunities for instructional coordinators are expected to grow 2% through 2032. Much like other professions, instructional designer job demand and salaries exhibit a wage range as diverse as the roles themselves. These projections depend on many different factors — like years of experience in the role, industry of employment, geographic location, worker skill and economic conditions.

Find Your Why

The impact of this degree goes beyond mere numerical projections. Equipped with advanced knowledge and skills, instructional technology professionals have the potential to contribute significantly to the evolution of education and training, supporting a wide range of people and careers.

Learn on Your Terms

Many of our students are teachers or employees who work in educational environments. These students usually take 1 to 2 courses per semester and 2-3 courses during the summer semester. The program supports students to use your work projects for your field experience to connect your work to your program study. As an online program, it also provides the flexibility for students to participate in the course activity outside of your work and family schedule. The lectures are recorded. Both asynchronous and synchronous supports are provided to ensure students can complete your learning in an efficient and effective way.

Every student develops an electronic portfolio to demonstrate evidence of your specific learning applied to your work environment.




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