An older woman sitting with a younger social worker. An older woman sitting with a younger social worker.

Bachelor of Social Work (BSW)

100% online

Same expert faculty as in-person classes

NEW - 100% Online

Bachelor of Arts in Social Work (BA/BASW)

Apply now to begin this Fall 2025!

Courage. Compassion. Competence.

At UA, in the School of Social Work and Family Sciences turn your passion for helping people and pursuing social justice into a licensed professional. Our program will provide you with the knowledge and hands-on skills to make a difference in the world, especially for the most vulnerable populations. Learn more about the School of Social Work and Family Sciences.

This program best suits learners who wish to work as entry-level, generalist social workers under the umbrella of a larger organization immediately upon graduation.

What our students are saying

"I am driven by my commitment to interdependence, social justice, and advocacy. This program has connected me with experienced professors and advisors, providing invaluable insights beyond the textbook. gaining hands-on experience with social workers, the justice system, and crime victims. After graduation, I plan to pursue an MSW in medical advocacy while earning a Certificate in Addiction Services. With substantial experience, I hope to teach and mentor future social workers!”

online student

~ Isabella Fallon

(BSW Student, Akron Campus)

Highlights of the BA/BASW degree:

  • Preparation for generalist practice of social work
  • Full-time/Part-time study
  • Online courses
  • Regional field placements

Potential Careers with a BA/BASW degree: 

  • Caseworker
  • Family service worker
  • Residential case manager
  • Mental health assistant
  • Human service assistant
  • Community outreach worker
  • Public health social worker
  • Health educator
    and more!

For more information, contact:

  • Janice Steinmetz, BA/BASW Akron & Lakewood Coordinator
  • Email:


    The College of Health and Human Sciences

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