First place ($100 gift card):
Andrew Puch ( Your Life, Your Experience)
Anthony Deeter (Chess AI Robot)
Second place ($75 gift card):
Jason Bowling (Visualization of Firewall Logs)
Josh Shetler (Acoustic Starter Suite)
Sorin Buda (Application of AI to Role Play Games)
Third place ($50 gift card):
Ian Palencar (An Adaptive Approach to Music Listening)
Lu Wang, Bo Cai and Yue Qu (Kinect for Biology Education)
Vince Salvino (Determining Sentiment of Natural Language Text through Software)
Honorable Mention ($25 gift card):
Naveen Kumar Gadamsetty and Yeswanth Eruvaram (Extraction of Product Key Features from Customer Reviews)
Robert Bauer (Kismet Mobile Client)
Ross Rothenstine (Game Engine Design)