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Club Sports travel policy

Students interested in travelling will be expected to abide by current CDC and University of Akron Covid-19 policies. Only requests submitted 30 business days or more in advance will be reviewed and considered for approval. Student organizations are strongly encouraged to submit requests as far in advance as possible.

Student organizations and their members wishing to travel to an in-person event that does not have a virtual alternative, will need to do the following:

Travel within 8 hours driving distance and having two or less overnight stays

  1. Submit a Club Sports Travel Request through RooConnect.
  2. Complete the corresponding Emergency Contact and Travel Waiver documents.
  3. For travel, the University recommends that each traveler have a Covid-19 test within 48-hours prior to the planned departure, regardless of vaccination status.
  4. Each individual intending to travel to a destination that requires vaccine verification from a university representative must upload their Covid-19 vaccine record to Med-Proctor. This should be completed 2 weeks prior to planned departure date.
  5. All travelers are recommended to wear a mask over your nose and mouth in indoor areas of public transportation (including airplanes) and indoors in U.S. transportation hubs (including airports).
  6. Travelers should not travel if they are sick, tested positive for Covid-19 and haven't ended isolation, had close contact with a person with Covid-19 and haven't ended quarantine, or are waiting for results of a Covid-19 test.
  7. Students are responsible for understanding the requirements set by the host of the event since these will likely reflect any current health orders in that respective state or city.
  8. Receive Club Sports Administration and Campus Advisor approval for travel plans.

Travel with more than 8 hours driving distance or with three or more overnight stays

  1. All the above.
  2. All travelers are required to have a Covid-19 test within 48 hours of the planned departure, regardless of vaccination status.
  3. Provide a written plan to Club Sports Administration indicating plans for an unexpected sickness and/or quarantine, or a Covid-19 positive test result while travelling. This plan should also include identifying a location where a Covid-19 test can be completed while travelling, and the link to plans and/or requirements set by the host of the event since these will likely reflect any current health orders in that respective state or city.
  4. Note that UA generally will not pay for quarantine periods required by the destination city/state/municipality. The traveler may be responsible for any additional travel costs outside of the approved travel.

The above polices are subject to change based on recommendations from the University of Akron planning committees related to Covid-19.