Expertise in corrosion research and materials performance

We are a world leader in corrosion research and materials performance, and we provide related testing and technical services to government agencies and to companies across the globe. This page summarizes our expertise.




Material performances

We expertly conduct laboratory and field exposures to predict, prevent and manage the damage due to corrosion and to develop new and improved corrosion mitigation methods.


Advanced material development

We design, fabricate, evaluate for advanced materials, coatings and surface treatments for greater corrosion resistance. This includes metals, ceramics, polymers and composites.


Computational modeling

We develop and apply analytical models with experimental validation to predict, prevent, and manage corrosion, while expanding the science of corrosion processes.


Corrosion mitigation and risk management

We develop and apply corrosion risk management tools for performance assessment and life prediction to increase safety and reliability and reduce costs of corrosion. We also evaluate alternative corrosion mitigation strategies.


Analytical tools and spectroscopies

We determine chemical, structural and mechanical properties to support materials performance and development. We also measure properties of bulk materials, composites, thin films and surface treatments over dimensional range from macro-scale to nano-scale.


Technical development and deployment

We accelerate the transition of evolving corrosion mitigation from the laboratory to commercialization and use. Projects range from proof-of-concept, product/process scale-up to full production.