Respondus Lockdown Browser for Chromebook

If you have a Chromebook and are required to use Respondus LockDown Browser, Respondus now offers an extension for Chrome. In addition to the extension, you will also need to enable pop-up windows for Brightspace.

If you have a Chromebook managed by a high-school or third-party, you may not be able to install the extension or change your pop-up settings. In that case, send a message to Tell us the name of the course, the course number and the specific quiz or exam you are having trouble with. Also let us know who manages your Chromebook/

1. Install the LockDown Browser Extension

Respondus LockDown Browser for Chromebooks requires an extension for Chrome. The best way to install the extension is from the Quiz/Exam start page. Click on the button that says "Download and install the latest version of LockDown Browser". You can also install the plugin through this link:

2. Enable Pop-Up Windows

By default Google Chrome, the only internet browser on Chromebooks, will have the security setting pop-up and redirects set to blocked. If a user does not switch this to "allow" they will run into issues with using Brightspace, in particular it may block students from starting quizzes and exams even after installing the LockDown Browser plugin. Follow the steps below to enable pop-ups and redirects for

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How to Enable Pop-Ups and Redirects

  1. Go to and sign into your account.
  2. Click the lock icon located to the left of the url.
    After logging into Brightspace, click on the 'lock' icon in the address bar.
  3. Go to the Site Settings option
    Navigate to the site setting options.
  4. Change the drop down menu for Pop-ups and redirects to Allow.
    Change the pop-ups and redirect settings from block to allow.
  5. Return to Brightspace and reload the page for changes to take effect.