Who We Are
Lifelong learning is at the core of everything we do! Obtain that promotion, make a career move, or expand your knowledge and skills with an education that has been designed to help you reach your goals while maintaining your current work and family responsibilities.
The UA Extended Campus (UAx) consists of two teams who work closely together to deliver tailored training and specialized educational programs that empower working adults to excel in their careers. We harness the vast resources of our university and tap into the knowledge of industry experts to craft educational solutions that provide the skills needed for success in today's dynamic economy.

Continuing and Professional Education (CPE) actively encourages academic departments to propose new continuing and professional education programs. Working closely with the academic colleges, the Continuing and Professional Education provides an advanced tool set to deliver continuing and professional education programs using a variety of formats: in-person, on-site courses, live video conferencing, and online. We provide the logistics for your department to offer workshops, certificate programs, and continuing professional education seminars.
Complete this form to propose a new Continuing and Professional Education program.

Services for All Programs
Continuing and Professional Education offers the following services:
- Register participants
- Collect and distribute program fees
- Maintain data for participants, including summary reports of attendance and completion status
- Supply a workshop roster to the instructor
- Distribute certificates of completion to attendees
- Promote the program on our website
- Oversee professional branded email marketing with real-time analytics to monitor the success of your campaign
- Distribute and collect a class evaluation
- CEU (continuing education units) approval and processing
- Process instructor payment

Services For Live Events
We offer the following services for live events:
- Reserve classroom or meeting space
- Organize food/beverage services during on-site instruction
- Organize audio visual services for live and hybrid events
- Ordering and distribution of textbooks or other provided materials.
- Parking

Services for Hybrid and Online Events
UAWorks is a learning management system (Brightspace) designed to offer noncredit programs in an online or hybrid format. UAWorks includes many tools to facilitate content delivery, submission of assignments, communication, and collaboration. Additional UAWorks features include:
- A ‘shopping cart’ service with program advertisement and instant enrollment after purchase
- Password protection and authentication for enrolled students
- Online quizzes, surveys, and tests
- Threaded discussions
- Document storage, sharing, and management
- The ability to group and sequence multiple courses into a sequential, easy-to-follow learning path to achieve specific learning goals
- Instant student enrollment into Brightspace with single sign-on
- Waiting Lists capability
- Quantity discounts, voucher codes and profile-based 'membership' discounts.