An arrangement of postcard images

Akron Postcard Club

Enter the magical world of postcards. Whether you want to look at postcard images, read old messages, talk collections, or make your own postcards, the Akron Postcard Club is the place for you. We use the David P. Campbell Postcard Collection to explore the history of the postcard and to inspire our monthly meeting themes. We tend to alternate between collections exploration and postcard creation, check the theme descriptions for details.

Meetings are open to anyone curious about postcards – students and community members alike. We meet the last Wednesday* of every month from 6:00pm to 7:00pm ET in the Postcard Library at the Institute for Human Science and Culture at the Cummings Center (located on the 4th floor).

The club is free to attend, and new members receive an Akron Postcard Club membership card.

*due to the winter holidays, we do not meet at our regular time in November and December. Instead, we host a special Saturday afternoon meet-up during these months.

Next meeting:
Wednesday, July 31 from 6:00pm - 7:00pm ET

Postcard Pictionary Party: Celebrate Akron Postcard Club's 3rd Birthday!
+ Member Spotlight with Bill Koltek
Can you believe that Akron Postcard Club is already three years old? Time flies when you’re writing postcards! Join us on July 31st and help celebrate our birthday with refreshments, good company, and a rousing game of Postcard Pictionary. This free event is open to all ages.

Free Event
Location: 73 S. College St. Akron, OH 44325

Upcoming Meetings:

July 31, 6:00pm - 7:00pm
Postcard Pictionary Party:
Celebrate Akron Postcard Club's 3rd Birthday!

+ Member Spotlight with Bill Koltek

August 28, 6:00pm - 7:00pm
It is Real? Exploring Hair Postcards
with Jennifer Davis & Samantha Hurst

+ Member Spotlight with Christina Getrost

Past Meeting Themes:

June 2024: The Joy of Mail: An Intro to Postcrossing
May 2024: 3rd Annual Postcard Show & Tell: Speed Dating Style
April 2024: Prep for 41st Annual National Postcard Week
March 2024: Bonnets, Bunnies, and Baskets – Oh My!
February 2024: The Year of Confusion - Exploring Leap Year Lore
January 2024: Create Your Own Valentine’s Collage Postcard
December 2023: 3rd Annual Postcard Write-A-Thon
October 2023: How We Collect / Postcard Spook & Swap
September 2023: Illicit Mailing - All About the Risqué
August 2023: Put Your “Stamp” on Akron - Everyday Akron Postcard Club Takeover
July 2023: Postcard Jeopardy
June 2023: Posting Postcards with the USPS!
May 2023: 2nd Annual Postcard Show & Tell
April 2023: 40th Annual National Postcard Week Preparation
March 2023: Olive Mudge, A Life in Postcards
February 2023: Roadtrip to the Cleveland History Center
January 2023: Embroidery Mini-Masterpieces
November 2022: Postcard Write-A-Thon and Printmaking Demo
October 2022: A Postcard House of Horrors
September 2022: The Hills Are Alive With The Sound of Postcards
August 2022: A Postcard Roadtrip Down Route 66
July 2022: Postcard BINGO
June 2022: The Magic of Photo-Multigraphs
May 2022: Postcard Show & Tell
April 2022: Prepping for National Postcard Week
March 2022: It's a Feminist Leap Year!
February 2022: Guided "Dig" into Postcard History
January 2022: Vinegar Valentine's
December 2021: Postcard Write-a-Thon Benefitting Local Seniors
October 2021: Halloween Postcards
September 2021: Exploring Akron through Postcards
August 2021: Rotating Wheel Postcards
July 2021: Fancy Writing

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