Robert W. Little Foundation Internships

The Department of Anthropology offers their undergraduate majors an opportunity to conduct research, undergo training outside of UA, or serve the needs of the greater Akron community through the application of anthropological data collection, analysis, and interpretative methods. Student internship projects can be done independently, or in consultation with a faculty member, on any approved topic of the student’s choosing.

Robert W. Little received degrees in history (1952) and library science (1954) from The University of Akron. After graduation, Little worked for the B.F. Goodrich Company and the Akron Public Library. He also served in the United States Army during World War II. Robert W. Little passed away May 26, 2000. Our internship program was created through the generosity of the estate of Robert W. Little and the Robert W. Little Foundation.

Students may apply for research-related expenses using the Application Form found here {Add link to PDF form here}. There is no application deadline but students must apply at least four weeks before funds are needed. Please refer to the Application Form for details.