
Scholarship support is vital to the cultural, performance, and visual arts. Scholarships allow art students to focus on honing their skills and be more deeply immersed academically without additional financial constraint.  Your support opens the door for students of all backgrounds to participate in artistic expression and enlivens our community. Help us rise by establishing a scholarship and joining the John R. Buchtel Society today.

John R. Buchtel Society

A group of recognition clubs for those who have made a financial contribution to help students.


Loyalty Club
Up to $99 annually

Century Club
$100 - $249 annually

Dean’s Club
$250 - $999 annually

Lamplighter’s Club
$1,000 annually or $30,000 in deferred gifts

President’s Club
$10,000 annually, $50,000 in lifetime contributions or $100,000 in deferred gifts

Founder’s Club
$25,000 annually, $100,000 in lifetime contributions or $250,000 in deferred gifts

Patron’s Club
$500,000 in lifetime contributions

1870 Benefactor’s Club
$1M or more in lifetime contributions

Leadership Club
$5M or more in lifetime contributions

1870 Society
(Formerly known as Society for Tomorrow)
For those who have established life income arrangements or have named the University as a beneficiary in a will or life insurance policy.

The Frank and Isabel Pixley Society
A recognition club for University of Akron employees. Members are full- or part-time employees – past or present – who have contributed $50,000 or more to the University in current or deferred gifts.

Contact UA Development at 330-972-7238
to name a scholarship uplifting cultural, performing, and visual arts students at UA.