*** Please note, each row and course# listed below is a separate, complete course. ***

Exploring Color Measurements & Tolerancing

Course# Date Time Location
209-1350 05/21/2025 - 05/22/2025 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM Campus classes located at 240 South Forge Street, Akron, Ohio 44325 Classroom 217 (Located inside the National Polymer Innovation Center)
209-1351 09/24/2025 - 09/25/2025 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM Campus classes located at 240 South Forge Street, Akron, Ohio 44325 Classroom 217 (Located inside the National Polymer Innovation Center)
Cost: $1,500.00 USD
Online Registration
CEU's: 1.6
Instructor: Rick Mathew

Course Overview

Participants will explore basic concepts of color measurement and Tolerancing through discussion and hands on experiments.

Expected Outcomes:

  • Participants will gain a basic understanding of color measurement concepts
  • Participants will gain a basic understanding of the CMC color difference calculations
  • Participants will be given a tool to help with color Tolerancing

Instructor Biography:

mathew-headshotRick graduated from Kent State University with a BS in mathematics and a minor in Geology. In addition he completed graduate level classes in mathematics before serving in the military from 1970 to 1977 in the Ohio National Guard 107th Armored Cav.

Rick Mathew was a C.O.O. at Americhem Inc. and retired in 2007. He has over 40 years of hands on experience as well as educational experience in technology and business leadership. There are two areas he specializes in. In the technology area he has lead teams to develop and implement color technology for varies industries (paint, plastics and others). This would include the selection of colorants to perform in the selected systems as well as setting up computer aided color matching systems. He is the author of several book chapters on the subject (“Coloring of Plastic Materials”, “Handbook for PVC” John Wiley and “Thermoplastic & Polymer Additives” Marcel Deker Inc.) In Addition he has conducted extensive training in leadership development for managers and executives, as well as training in other technical areas concerning colorants and polymers. He regularly conducts a 3 day color class, including labs at The University of Akron Polymer Training Center.  His experience as VP of Research & Development provided a broad base of skills and experiences, from design of experiments to leadership skills for a technical organization.

Currently he is an active consultant to the polymer industry in such areas as, Color Science, Color Measurement, Product Design and Technical Business Leadership.

Rick has been married for over 40 years to his wife Rachel. They have two sons. Rick is a person of many interests, from furniture building to underwater cave diving. He is a certified SCUBA Instructor and enjoys reef aquarium keeping. He has a video production business, Perfect Image Video, that he integrates with his diving activities to produce underwater video productions.

  1. Exploring Color Measurement, Specifications and Tolerances
    1. Basic Principles of Measuring Color
    2. Understanding the Sample
    3. Visual Color Measurement
    4. Fully Instrumental Color Measurement
      1. Understanding Your Instrument
      2. Instrument Types & Configurations
      3. What Instruments Can & Can Not Do
    5. Review & Summary
  2. Uses of Instruments In Color Assessment
    1. Appropriate Use of Color Differences
    2. Assessments By Color Differences
    3. Perceptibility vs. Acceptability
    4. Color Tolerances Using Color Difference & Acceptability
  3. Measurement Workshop
    1. Workshop activity
    2. Evaluation
    3. Discussion
    4. Measuring the sensation of color---Tolerancing Tools
    5. Preview of Next Class (Setting Color Specifications)


If you have any questions or need more information about this course, please contact:

Penelope Pinkston


Online Registration


Registration Form

Registration information: Registration shall remain open until posted as closed on the course listing on this site.

Registrations must be guaranteed by check, a purchase order number or a credit card, otherwise the registration will not be processed. Checks should be made payable to "The Akron Polymer Technology Services Training Center" and must include a copy of your completed registration form. Course fees are due before attending.

All registrations—whether by online, phone, fax or mail—will be confirmed and considered binding and subject to all cancellation policies. If you do not receive a confirmation prior to the class, please call The Akron Polymer Technology Services Training Center to verify your registration.

Course fee includes classroom instruction, instructional materials, parking permits, continental breakfast, lunch, beverages and refreshment breaks. Travel and hotel accommodations are not included.


Visit our registration webpage to view our cancellation/withdrawal policy.