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2024 Residence Hall Move-in


We look forward to your arrival at The University of Akron! Details will continue to be added throughout the summer.

Planning your move

Contact info

Ritchie Hall
Akron, OH 44325-1401
Phone: 330-972-7800
Res Life homepage:

How to sign up for your move-in appointment

Sign up will be available in late July 2024. More information will be provided closer to the sign up date.

Standard Arrival Appointment Dates

Emerging Leaders
Friday, August 16

Marching Band
Friday, August 16

Exchange Street Apartments
Saturday-Sunday, August 17 – 18

All other buildings/room types
Tuesday–Thursday, August 20-22

See Full Details

Things you need to know:

All students must have a move-in appointment in order to move-in.

You will not be issued a key at any other time than during your move-in appointment.

Move in appointments are 2 hours long, with the exception of Exchange Street Apartments which will have 3-hour appointments.

It is expected that you arrive on time for your appointment, and you finish unloading your vehicle(s) into your room within your appointment time. At the end of your appointment time, your vehicle(s) must be removed from the unloading zone parking areas so the next group of appointments have a place to park and unload.

You will get move in instructions via email in August based on your specific appointment time and building location.