Welcome to the Timken Foundation Center for Precision Manufacturing

The Timken Foundation Center for Precision Manufacturing (CPM) is an Industry and University Cooperative Research Center (IUCRC). It is an industry-driven center, which means industry members define for us their research and workforce development needs and we make all arrangements to address their needs.

Mission and Vision of CPM

The center’s research mission is to address manufacturing companies’ research needs with minimum cost and maximum quality by connecting them to expert professors and students and supporting them by increasing their competitive position through research and technological innovations.

The center’s workforce development mission is to generate skilled engineers and researchers for manufacturing companies by involving them in the center’s research projects and to upskill and reskill current industry employees by providing educational opportunities for them.

Our vision is to solve the industry’s manufacturing challenges, supply new hire streams, minimize cost, increase productivity, and keep the manufacturing industry at the edge of state-of-the-art technologies.

Business Models of CPM

This center offers two business models to the industry:

Membership Model

  • All research project topics are defined by members and based on the common research needs/interest of members
  • All research projects are funded by membership fees
  • The research topics are “pre-competitive.” It means that they are General in nature, Fundamental or foundational, Related to government regulations, or Related to industry-wide standardization.
  • Focus on knowledge generation based on members’ common needs
  • Shared results with all members

Exclusive Partnership Model: Funded Individually

  • The research project is funded by a single industry partner and the project is exclusively done for that partner.
  • The research topic is “Competitive.” It means that the results will not be shared with other companies.
  • The research addresses the specific needs of the funding partner.

To become a member, please refer to the membership page. For exclusive partnership opportunities, please contact Dr. D. Dane Quinn at quinn@uakron.edu.