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Akron Global Polymer Academy Lesson Plans

No3 to Nitrate in Our Waterways

Grades: 9-12 Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Science, Earth Science, Scientific Ways of Knowing and Scientific Inquiry
Author: Erika Smeader
Source: Original - This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. EEC- 1542358.


Students will analyze water samples with a portable spectrometer for phosphate and nitrate levels in water sources. They will then apply this knowledge to understanding how monitoring these levels can be used on a global level to analyze and monitor water quality.


What should students know as a result of this lesson?

Students will be able to identify:

What should the students be able to do as a result of this lesson?

Students will be able to do the following:


*******Field spectrometers and phone app are not currently available on the market. You can email either,, or to order a spectrometer. You can modify this lab by just using API nitrate reagent if spectrometer is not available.



Class 1: Engaging prior knowledge as investigating current issues to set a foundation for use of portable spectrometer and important uses today.

Use student worksheet 1 to lead discussion. After each section stop to discuss answers as a class. Discussion questions centered around global water crisis, definition of eutrophication, exploration of causes of algal blooms, researching area waterways, and discovering what citizen science can do for an area.

(This worksheet is adjusted to local waterways. Depending on where you live you might need to visit the EPA website and change the worksheet to your local waterways.)


Class 2: Use portable API nitrate solution and possibly spectrometer to analyze water samples from the area for nitrate levels. The students will then answer will then answer analysis of data questions.


Instructions on how to prepare samples:

If spectrometer and app for phone are available you can complete this section of the activity:

Instructions on how to use spectrometer:

  1. Turn spectrometer on by switching button to on position on the bottom of the machine.
  2. Take control sample(previously made) and pour into container one for spectrometer and place cap on top. Place control in position one of spectrometer.
  3. Take sample with reagent and pour into container 2 of spectrometer and place cap on top. Place into position 2 of spectrometer.
  4. Turn phone on and open camera.
  5. Place lens of camera over opening where the prism is present. You will see the prism on your phone screen. If you do not keep moving phone until you see the image.
  6. You should see two distinct rainbows on your camera or you have not placed your phone correctly.
  7. Take a picture/save picture if needed/close camera
  8. Open App on phone/upload picture/read results of sample.
  9. Document results in data table below.

Students will also investigate 3 unknown sample to see if any test positive for nitrate.

Make three unknown samples (enough for the amount of students you have) they will use 2 ml per sample and make one of the three samples with nitrate solution in it so that is test positive. The other two samples should be regular tap so they do not test positive. Keep track of the sample number you chose to be positive. You can make more than one sample positive if you want, but make sure at least one sample is positive. Do not make all three positive.


Students will answer analysis and discussion questions on class activity sheet on how the field spectrometer is used and how it can be useful in real world situations. The answers will be discussed as a class.


Class 3: Read the article located from the link given on polymer filters and global water crisis. Students should then write a short paragraph on how the filters work and possible implications for solving non-drinkable water problem.


Best Teaching Practices

Alignment with Standards

NGSS Standards:

Ohio Standards:

Content Knowledge



Content is applied in the real world as understanding that this device helps connect people with a device that analyzes nitrate and phosphate levels in aquatic ecosystems. This information further helps people monitor.


Student assessment is involved in all three of the class activities.

Other Considerations

Grouping Suggestions:

Pacing/Suggested Time:

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