Employee & Labor Relations

Employee Resources Notice:

Information for employees has been largely relocated to the new MyAkron. Please refer to the intranet site for the most up-to-date information and resources. 

Collective Bargaining Agreements

These pages provide information specific to each bargaining unit.

Employee & Labor Relations

The Office of Employee and Labor Relations is in the Administrative Services Building at 185 E. Mill St. in Akron.

Mailing address:  

The University of Akron
Human Resources
Akron, Ohio 44325-4733

Michelle Smith
Assistant Vice President, Human Resources
Phone (330) 972-5146
Fax (330) 972-2323

Emily Lenke
Director, Employee and Labor Relations
Phone (330) 972-6195
Fax (330) 972-2323

Jordan Vigorito
Human Resources Generalist
Phone (330) 972-4655
Fax (330) 972-2323

