Tire Mechanics Short Course
March 3-6, 2025
Deutsche Messe, Hannover, Germany
The Tire Mechanics Short Course is a four-day educational and developmental course that will provide engineers and scientists with an in-depth, intense study of the latest developments surrounding tire engineering. The course is designed for practicing engineers, chemists and scientists who are concerned with tires and vehicles and who have an engineering or science background at the Bachelor of Science level.
The basic and practical aspects of the mechanics of pneumatic tires will be introduced by internationally renowned experts in tire mechanics. Extensive, detailed course notes prepared by each instructor will be provided for all participants, along with a 700-page e-book, ‘The Pneumatic Tire’, edited by Professors Gent and Walter.
Those who complete this course will receive a certificate from The University of Akron. Review the program, which also includes speaker bios.
The 55th Tire Mechanics Short Course will be held concurrently with the Tire Technology Expo 2025 in Hannover, Germany, on March 3-6, 2025.

Course Information
Dr. Xiaosheng Gao
Department of Mechanical Engineering
College of Engineering and Polymer Science
The University of Akron
Akron, OH 44325-3903 USA
+1 330 972 2415
Registration Information
Tim Sandford
Conference director, UKi Media & Events
Abinger House, Church Street,
Dorking, Surrey, RH4 1DF, UK
Tel: +44 1306 743744
Fax: +44 1306 877411