Community and Connections

The University of Akron Strategic Plan

Promises and Aspirations​


Community and Connections

Promise V

To proactively collaborate with our communities as a responsive and reliable partner to identify and meet the needs of the region and intentionally contribute to help economic and workforce development, and civic life flourish.

1. Map and grow community engagement across the institution.

  1. Achieve use of Collaboratory in at least 50% of academic units.
  2. Establish a baseline percentage of students who successfully complete a community-based curricular learning
    experience using a course tagging system.
  3. Develop institutional student learning outcomes for community and civic engagement.
  4. Enhance institutional pathways that support applied scholarly engagement for the benefit of our communities.

2. Grow our cultural corridor in the surrounding region through the arts and by connecting
with downtown Akron.

  1. Leverage existing UA strengths to enhance relationship(s) with the City (of Akron) and partners (Greater Akron Chamber, APS, County of Summit, Downtown Akron Partnership).
  2. Increase opportunities for curricular and co-curricular engagement that intentionally bring UA and students to downtown and the community to campus.
  3. Grow the AkronArts initiative by continuing to assess and advance existing programs, facilities and relationships and
    create new ones.
  4. Engage stakeholders (students, faculty, staff, downtown stakeholders and the public) in conversations about the mix of
    uses in the building, programming, and design of the Knight Building project.

Promises and Aspirations​

Strategic Plan


Lifelong Learning​


Flourishing People​


Social Impact​