Viability and Investment

The University of Akron Strategic Plan

Promises and Aspirations​

roman-1.jpgWell-Being & Stewardship​

Promise I

To cultivate a culture and community where everyone can flourish and be responsible stewards of the University’s resources and infrastructure.

1. Strategically grow and invest the University’s financial resources and enhance our operational
capabilities and infrastructure.

  1. Grow strategic and innovative partnerships and services that will diversify, expand and fortify the University’s revenue-
    generation streams and reduce the University’s debt burden.
  2. Continue to modernize and optimize the University’s infrastructure, including achieving full implementation of Workday
    Student® and optimizing integration of Slate and Stellic.
  3. Intentionally and authentically connect with prospective students to increase FAFSA submissions and allow UA to offer the
    most competitive aid package.

1. Empower University employees and students to support one another.

  1. Inventory and analyze our existing systems and programs to best support the holistic well-being of our people.
  2.  Leverage technology to connect students and employees with available resources.
  3. Optimize our employee engagement, professional development and performance management programs by
    leveraging Workday.
  4. Grow the skills of our workforce by assessing skills demand versus supply and developing training programs to
    bridge gaps.

Promises and Aspirations​

Strategic Plan


Lifelong Learning​


Flourishing People​


Social Impact​